7. Unlikely Allies

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"So how'd you wind up in this mess anyways? I mean, in the space force I guess". He asked you as the two of you began your journey back to the Colonel and Merwin.

"My mother was in the military, and her mother, and her mother". You explained, welcoming the marines sudden friendliness.
"But only my mother was in the space force. So I guess it's just a hereditary thing. What about you?"

Jason gritted his teeth.
"When I saw those towers go down, I knew I had to fight to honor the dead". He replied simply. You smiled.

"That's a good of a reason as any". You replied.

"And the Colonel? How'd you meet that jackass?" He questioned. You gave him an annoyed expression and laughed. After he apologized, you answered.

"The space force worked alongside the air force for as long as I could remember. It wasn't until my promotion that I got to work with them as well. Though I still don't know much about the air force, Eric and I met and he proposed this theory to all of us. I jumped at the chance to help him. He seemed so passionate about the satellite, about Caelus. I knew I had to help him. With connections and a lot of time, we finally got that thing launched into space". You said proudly, deceiving your obvious disappointment. Jason scuffed.

"We worked for so long developing it". You added slowly as it was hitting you again.

"Hey maybe if we get out of here, you and Eric can screw over a different group of marines. They might take it a bit more lightly". He joked. You knew he was joking but it obviously hurt. Joey was dead because of you. Rachel. Clarice. This began to fill your thoughts.

"And Clarice?" He asked, as the two of you came up on the tripwire again. Bending down, Jason began to disarm it.

"Eric's assistant. She's a physicist. Fascinated by science. She wanted to witness this all herself. One of the smartest women I've ever met. She didn't have any training at all. She should've never came". You ended, watching him disarm the tripwire.

The sound of Joey filled the air again. Jason kept doing what he was doing, not hearing it. You walked back toward the hole in the wall and slowly into the cave. A light up ahead.

"Joey". You called, stepping forward.
"Y/N get back here". Jason called after you. Suddenly you felt a push into your back that sent you flying on your palms. Turning around you felt claws pick you up and suddenly the ground below you was flying.

"Jason!" You cried. Something was carrying you, running fast. You heard him shout for you. You struggled but the grip it had on you was painful. Your vision started to go dark. Feeling lightheaded, you slipped from consciousness.  

You woke up to being in yet another opened cave. You were alive?
It was quiet around you. You had only a knife with you now, as the pistol you had been clinging to had fallen when you were snatched up. You felt sharp pain in your chest. Pulling down the crack of your shirt, three long cuts appeared from just above collarbone, covering it vertically.
Holy shit.
It was bleeding badly. You had never felt a pain like this before, or seen anything like this before. Claw marks. Stuffing the pain down, you desperately got to your feet.

"Can anyone hear me". You croaked into your mic. Nothing. You never had good luck with that damn thing. Holding your cuts as if it would do anything, you began to walk. Stopping, when you saw one of the monsters up ahead. It was eating something, an Iraqi. It brought you down here to eat you alive. You watched this, but the Iraqi had a gun. A gun you so desperately needed, it looking like an AK-47 to you. A male hand over your mouth interrupted your thoughts, pulling your head back.

Your body flushed hot in fear. This being the same scene that's played out in all of those horror movies you watched, right before the victim died.

"There is a demon over there". An Iraqi voice whispered to you with a thick accent. Fuck.
"We can get through this, but only together". He added. "They react to sound, like bats, they hear you they hunt you". He whispered behind your ear. You could do nothing but listen to the man.
"They can burn in sunlight. And just like any living being, they can be killed. A stake through the heart".

"We do this together, okay? We can kill it". He finished, pulling his hand away from your mouth and stepping back. "You move into flanking position to get its attention. I will do the rest".
You were weary if to trust him first at not yet what other choices did you have? Agreeing, you went left and he went right.

This demon was literally eating the dead Iraqi! You focused on this, watching your step. Up and over a rock, a sudden pain from your cuts sent you slipping off the rock failing to make a quiet jump. The demon screeched, turning to you. You held your breath as it began to close up on you, drawing it's attention. That was suddenly stopped by the man who had just grabbed you, as he proceeded to stab the demon with the mental stake in his hands pulling it out the demon dropped to the ground. Helping you up he looked at the blood soaking through your tank top from the collarbone, and seeing it just above the top. You noticed his gaze.

"I was checking out the sound, and that thing snatched me up and brought me here. It was going to eat me too". You answered to him, turning your attention to the demon below. You both walked over and loomed over it. Your hand now over the scratches again.

"What the fuck are we up against". You mumbled to the Iraqi, bending down to grab the gun of the dead Iraqi. You looked at him now. He had dark black hair.

"Never have I ever seen anything so vicious". He stated in disbelief, this you agreeing with.
"What do you think they are?" He added, getting to his feet. You held the new automatic weapon you just equipped in one hand. Though this was an enemy Iraqi you couldn't help but feel safe. Especially since he just saved your life.
"I didn't think to ask".

"I shouldn't be here. I should be home. With my son". You listened to him share with you.
"I should've never come here. It's his birthday today".
"How old?"
"He just turned eighteen". He told you.
"Wow, big day". The man nodded to you and laughed. You shared this small laugh with him.
"The best present you can give him is make it home today. I'm Y/N Dutton by the way. Technical Sergeant Dutton". You introduced yourself, feeling welcomed by the Iraqis friendliness, reaching out a hand to him.

"It's the only thing keeping me going. Salim Othman, Lieutenant. Iraqi Army". He took your hand and shook it, bringing the attention back to your cuts.

Walking over to the dead Iraqi, he picked up something after examining the body and spoke something in his language. The big man walked to you having a medkit in hand.
"Let me take care of that". He said to you. You nodded, desperately wanting the pain to go away and the bleeding to stop.

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