4. Ambushed

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You stood in one of the huts listening to Rachel speak Arabic to the civilians. You couldn't understand but you knew that she wasn't getting anywhere. Moving to the next hut, you noticed Merwin and Clarice talking to each other outside. You wondered what they were speaking about, but continued to follow Rachel, Nick and Jason into the next hut.

Rachel got into the face of one of the Arabians speaking in an angry tone, and he spit in her face. Jason immediately hit him in the back of the neck, causing the man to collapse to the floor. In a flash of a moment the other man bedside Jason stood and launched himself at Jason with a knife in his hands. You quickly pulled the pistol from your side and shot the man's hand. Dropping the knife, he yelped before falling on the ground and holding his hand in pain.

"You asshole". The Lieutenant mumbled before shooting the man dead. This shocked you. Holy fuck. How could someone be so unhesitant. Maybe you were wrong to judge him. You stared at this and he met your gaze.

"Jesus fuck I thought you said you had this place secured. Do your goddamn jobs!" Rachel had shouted at him, walking out of the room, Nick following her.

You started to follow before the Lieutenant stopped you from the corner of the room. Holding his gun, he stepped away from the body he just merciless killed, and over the one he knocked out, keeping eye contact with you.

"They taught you to shoot like that in the space force?" He snickered. You ignored this remark and turned back around to walk.
"I mean, thanks. Is what I'm trying to say". His low southern accent thanked you. This surprised you but you kept walking toward where Nick and Rachel disappeared.

Suddenly the air filled with gunfire as bullets started to scatter around you.
"Holy fuck". You exclaimed. Jason pulled you to the side of the building from fire, as he took off in a jog.

"We're being fucking ambushed boys!" You heard Nick shout and take off. Clarice was in the distance with her hands over her head as Joey grabbed her to safety. You stood against the wall, your heart beating  fast. But you couldn't just stand there. You advanced your position toward Clarice. She had a horrified look on her face, and stood in stun. You grabbed her shoulders to move her but she wouldn't move.

"Clarice what the fuck come on!" You shouted. She stood there looking at you with fear in her eyes, then looked to the side of where Joey had grabbed her. Joeys body was laying there in the sand. You covered your mouth before grabbing her once more and pushing her in the hut.

You began to walk toward the edge of the building in attempt to grab Joey. But bullets were flying at you so rapidly you were scared to even poke your head out. Eventually, Nick came to your side.

"I need you to flank them. Joeys hit and we need to get him out of there". You shouted at the marine. Jason and Merwin came up the side. The three of them moved up and you ran to Joey, pulling him behind an old tractor, just out of gunfire.

You held him as he looked at you with a expression you've never seen before. His glasses were broken, as they must've broke when he took the fall. You applied pressure to the wound where the blood was leaking, just below the clavicle.
It's too close to the heart. You thought as he kept his gaze on you.

"I told you it was going to go wrong out here". He muttered between breaths. You couldn't help to agree but you attempted to assure him.

"Don't die on me Joey you're going to make it out of this". You whispered to him. You knew he was done for. Blood was beginning to leak out of his mouth. You held his head and tears were scratching at your eyes. This was so traumatic. All of it. He gripped your hand on the wound and released it to give you a necklace with a cross on it. You gripped it and turned your attention back to him.

"Liar". He spoke to you, before his eyes went dead. You felt your body freeze with you. And your ears deafen. You were in such shock you didn't even realize the ground below you was shaking.

Lance Corporal Joey Gomez  just died in your arms.

<< Jason POV >>

Jason advanced on them with Nick and Merwin by his side. Adrenaline rushing in his vains and throughout his whole body, but this feeling wasn't unfamiliar.

"Permission to use WP". Merwin shouted.
"But the colonel said". Nick started.
"I don't give a damn what he said. We're losing control over here. What you wanna do? Hold hands around the camp fire and sing Kumbaya with them?" Merwin interrupted.

"Would you shut the fuck up and let me think!" Jason shouted as the gunfire proceeded around them from all angles. Moments passed before he agreed. Merwin and Nick releasing the white phosphorus into exploding the Iraqis. Jason advanced his position, turning the left side of the building he was met with a civilian.

"Stop!" As soon as he saw Jason he took off. Jason raised his gun at the man running away from him.
"Goddamn doesn't anyone speak english anymore?" He shot the man running. Suddenly a click of a gun came from behind him. Jason's heart dropped. How could he turn his back and be so careless.

"You better not miss". He said from the corner of his mouth, turning to the Iraqi. The man had his gun pointed at Jason ready to shoot. He wore a helmet with dark eyes and a round face. The ground below them started to shake, causing the Iraqi to miss Jason as he shot. The ground then began collapsing as both men fell from the once solid ground they were standing on. The ground around the farm began to collapse in holes everywhere.

And so you fell.

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