22. Cocoons

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It was unusually peaceful— as there were no vampires in sight. There was no doubt this place wasn't here on accident. Metal platforms that you could only describe as looking like a spaceship. For the most part, Jason and Salim were getting along now. You smiled at this. Working together was the only way you were going to make out of this. Jason was finally level-headed.

The three of you came to a large circular platform with a gigantic hole in the middle. You walked the crescent. There were statues of the vampires. Coming toward the end of it you stopped in your tracks. In front of you were the same cocoons. Dozens of them, you could see the head of the vampires at the top of them. They were alive. 

"I think we hit the mother load". Jason whispered to the two of you.

"Are you thinkin' what I'm thinking?" He added on. Salim and you turned to him.

"Cocoons". You whispered, stepping forward and over the same roots that had exploded earlier. Salim grabbed your arm.

"They are waiting for any sort of movement to bring them from their slumber.  We cannot take this risk". He informed Jason and you. You shrugged him off, and looked back at them.

"What other choice do we have?" You reminded the Iraqi, stepping forward. The two followed behind you. Stepping over the roots, carefully. Paying more attention to your feet than to what lies ahead of you.

It was getting very dark now between the pathway and unfortunately for you, your AK didn't have a light on it as Jason's rifle did. So the only light that transmitted came from your ear set. And the weird glow the egg sacks and roots gave off.

"I can barely see anything". You whispered to the crunching footprints behind you.

"Just take it nice and slow". Jason replied. It was like going through a maze at this point. Stepping over what you could— finding a different way around when you couldn't. The pain in your collarbone had spread through your shoulder now. Looking down you had realized it was bleeding once more upon pulling yourself up on the platforms and jumping down.

A loud and familiar pop came from behind you as you found Jason stunned. He had misplaced his foot and triggered the roots to pop. The cocoon beside you had began to crack and quickly as the vampire was pulling itself out of it. Around you, the other cocoons had begun to follow this same process.

"Oh shit, run!" You yelled, as the three of you took off to where you had came from. Jumping down from the platform, you caught yourself on your hands and knees. Pain shooting through your collarbone as you yelled in pain from this. Jason was there beside you quickly, pulling you up. You met with Salim just to find him and now all three of you surrounded by the creatures.

Your heart was beating rapidly as you bared your AK toward one of the creatures. There were four surrounding you and even more to come. Salim held his stake in his hands and Jason had his sights set on the vampire closing in ahead of him. Catching your breath you went to sound of the first shot before a voice shouted in the air.

"Hey fuck face! I got something for you!" The vampire ahead of you had whipped it's head back toward the voice quickly.  You looked to see Nick launch white phosphorus in your direction hitting the creature and lighting it on fire. This had the attention of the other vampires now.

"For Gods sake, run!" The sergeant shouted at the three of you from a distance. You took off following Jason and Salim, you being just a shot slower due to the pain you were in.

They let you right to a dead end of rocks.

Breathing heavily, you got down on your hands and knees to find a pathway underneath the rocks. Nick and Rachel came to you now. Eric trailing behind.

"Here, quick!" You told them, crawling under without hesitation.

"I'll cover you, go!" Nick told everyone.

Salim and Jason were the first to the other side, followed by Nick, Eric and Rachel.

"Nick you turned up like the fucking Calvary". Jason gave his sergeant a smack on the shoulder. Jason was so happy to see his brother in arms. "I thought you were dead".

"Not my time". Nick answered with.

"It's good to see you colonel". Jason told Eric. "And you ma'am". He said, helping Rachel to her feet.

"Eric!" You cried to the man you knew longer than the those around you. Pulling him into a hug.

"I was so scared when you took off that you were gone". He told you. You pulled away and turned around to the place you now were.

"Where the fuck are we?" Rachel mumbled as everyone observed the area around them.

"Why the fuck is he here?" Nick snapped at Jason and you, signaling to Salim.

"He's a friend". You answered, stepping in front of the Iraqi.

"Y/N..." Eric started to bicker before you cut him off at the root.

"Seriously? This is what you want to talk about?" You yelled. It was silent before the colonel responded.

"Tie him up—" He started before you interrupted once more. Furious.

"Salim is far past being tied up. He is one of us". You pointed to the Iraqi who stood behind you.

"I mean no harm". Salim reassured behind you.

"He's with us".  Jason replied finally, assuring the rest of the group. The group walked forward to observe everything around you.

"Y/N" Rachel called you over to her. You walked to the woman who was covered in blood in yet.

"Do you trust him?" She asked you, nudging in Salims direction.

"He saved my life and Jason's. Multiple times. Of course I trust him".

Rachel nodded slowly before opening her mouth to speak again, this time in a raspy voice.

"I'm sorry.... About Clarice". She told you, looking at you with sad eyes. It was clear that her and Clarice had suffered some type of hell together before regrouping with the rest of you. She gripped your arm. You looked down and met her sad eyes once more, with sad eyes of your own.

"Yeah well. I'm sorry too". Responding to the CIA officer who has good intentions.

You returned to Jason.

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