19. Mistakes

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"This isn't real". You breathed heavily, the scenery causing you to breathe abruptly. Salim bent to his knees.

"We are being judged. God is punishing us all for the mistakes we've ever made". He spoke heavily. You stood beside Jason who seemed like the only calm one and observed Salim who was now quiet.

"Zain is all that I have left in this world. After my wife left us, I gave him my all. I wanted him to have everything I didn't". You listened to the Iraqi share once more.

"Single parent? Tough fucking gig". Jason commented.

"It is, but my son has made me very proud. He is going to University. If only he would stop stealing".

"I miss him so much..."

"What about you Y/N? What mistakes are you being judged from?" The Iraqi asked intrigued noticing that you had shifted away from Jason and next to himself. You sat down beside Salim and Jason walked up to the two of you.

"Come on man-" Jason pushed away the Iraqis pressure for you to share. But you didn't take it as pressure. You felt comfortable sharing with the Iraqi that you weren't intimidated from.

"It's fine Jason. If we die down here I would've liked to die an honest woman then die a pitiful girl". You told him. You played with your left boot string nervously with your crossed legs. You could feel Salims body heat beside you. You had many mistakes in your life that you could share, but in that moment only one stuck out to you.

"I'm the reason we're so fucked". You sighed, letting go of the string and looking up, choking back the same shame you've been building up since you fell down here. You took a deep breath before speaking again. "If it wasn't for me, Joey wouldn't of died. Merwin. Clarice. And who knows if Rachel, Eric and Nick are even still alive". You slipped out.

"I don't understand?" Salim questioned.

"Y/N". Jason went to stop you from explaining to the Iraqi putting a hand on your shoulder. You pushed it off lightly.

"Eric and I, we had this satellite we sent into space that was supposed to find Saddams chemical weapons. And this place, the shepard farm, is where it pointed us to. Instead we found this hell".

"I fucked up so badly". You whimpered.

"It's not your fault". Jason spoke softly behind you attempting to comfort you.

"The fuck it's not". You stood up and faced the marine. The shame turning into anger. Jason shifted at this sudden anger from you that he hadn't seen since you confronted him about his presentation remark when he first laid eyes on you.

Pointing at his chest in anger you spoke "Every single one of your men died because of me!"

You pierced your E/C eyes into his brown ones. He turned his face thinking of something to say, but you had already walked away from the two of them in frustration. In your mind everything you said was completely true. You were the reason why they died. You were the reason you were trapped down here. You were the reason why you were going to die down here.

"Fuck man". Jason scoffed, watching you walk away. The Iraqi got to his feet and joined the marine.

"Jason you are not very good with women". Salim chuckled innocently.

"What the fuck is that 'suppose to mean?" He turned to Salim.

"You are in love with her". Salim stated abruptly. Jason wrinkled his nose at the older man attempting to hide his blushed face. Giving the Iraqi a disgusted look he spoke;

"I am absolutely not".

"Jason. I am not stupid".

"I've known her for a day". He denied the accusations once more. Jason was attempting to convince himself as well as the Iraqi.

"The time you've spent together must mean something right? For you to hug her like that the way you did. And attempt to protect her in every way". He said catching the Lieutenant off guard.

"So what if I am? Is that an issue to you?" Jason crossed his arms, the jealously sweeping in from the much wiser man.

"Nothing is an issue to me unless we don't make it out of here. I just want to see my son". He said, blind to Jason's intentions with that comment.

"Go talk to her". He advised the younger man. Jason shook his head, before beginning toward your direction.

Authors Note: Guysss sorry this one is kinda short! I'm really sleepy lol but I wanted to upload something! I really hope you're all enjoying the story so far. I so appreciate all of the support! The comments are so sweet, and the views are more views than I would've ever expected to get. So THANK YOU! Have a wonderful night/day! <3

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