11. Another Familiar Face

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"How the hell did you know to do that?" Nick asked the Colonel as Jason and you got to your feet, him helping you up. You brushed the dirt off of your black cargo pants, and turned your attention to the Colonel as he explained to Nick.

"The demon back at the temple, I was studying it and it caught flame from the UV light". He exclaimed in excitement, giving Nick a high five.

It was nice to see everyone getting along finally.

"Salim told me they have a weakness to sunlight, which means they must have a weakness to light all together". You pieced together. Jason huffed at the mention of Salim. This reminded you now that Salim was there in the temple, tied up, and alone. "Speaking of which, we need to get back to the temple and make sure he's okay".

"Y/N, he's not one of us. So if he's dead, he's dead". Jason reminded you in a harsh way.

"He saved my life". You told him sternly.

"So? And I just saved yours. Where's my special treatment?" He narrowed his eyes at you, before giving a slight smirk. You caught onto this, before shoving him back playfully.
"Let's go". You told them, changing the subject.

Coming back to the temple where you had held up at, you were greeted with Salim missing. No where in sight. The rope that tied him to the pillar was now in the dirt.
"Goddamnit I knew we should've killed him". Jason kicked the dirt. You bent down in hopes of not finding any blood, and you didn't. You sighed in a quiet relief. Salim was still alive.

"Hey check it out, the rope was cut from behind. Which means someone cut him free". You turned around to them. Jason and Nick bared their weapons quickly. "It had to of been cut from the same guy I shot when we got separated from Nick".

"Or someone else". Nick muttered. You stood alarmed for awhile, but it was quiet in the temple. Everyone gathered around the tent now, where the monster was laying on the table.
"Do you reckon we should give this radio a shot now? See if we can fix it?" Jason suggested to the colonel, pointing at the old hunky thing.

"Sounds like a job for me". A familiar voice spoke. You knew this voice and looked up immediately.


He stood there with his arms open, as cocky as ever. But you were so relieved to see his face.
"Back from the dead baby!" He grinned at the bunch of you.

"Well goddamn! Maybe our luck is turning". Jason grinned back at the corporal. He was still in one piece, and walking. The blood was dried on his face. It was still a horrifying sight and probably too much blood to still yet make you comfortable, but you were happy. You couldn't believe that you were happy to see Merwin.

"It's so good to see you Corporal Nathan Merwin". Eric greeted him.

"What, this guy not an asshole anymore?" Merwin joked, pulling Eric in and giving him a big friendly slap on the back. He did the same to Nick and turned to you.

"Ahh and I see our lady is still alive". He spoke to you, then drew his attention to your collarbone injury. "It's good to see you Merwin". You answered.

"The pleasure is mine. Now lets see if we can get this thing working and get the hell out of here". He stated, giving the rest of you hope as he walked to the radio.

"Those things will kill you". Jason's voice signaled to Nick, you turned to Nick to find him putting a cigarette in his mouth now. He began to pat himself down quickly.
"Fuck, where's my lighter?" He patted. Eric glared at him after he said this, you noticed this. Eric had almost a hateful look on his face.
"What's good?" Nick met him staring. Eric shook his head.

"It's nothing. I'm going to stay here with Merwin and continue studying this demon. The three of you go check around the perimeter and look for anything that could signal where Y/N's friend went". The colonel ordered. Tired of hearing Salim being referred to your friend, you corrected him.

"It's Salim". You fixed him.

"Why are you still protecting that fool Y/N come on". This time Nick had told you.

"A friend? Please catch me up". Merwin looked up from the radio. You shook your head ignoring the comments. Surely Salim saving you, patching you up and sharing with you wasn't just an in the moment thing, right? What if he changed his mind now, and wants to kill all of you. After all, you did promise you'd protect him and they still tied him up.

Turning away from them, you began down the steps with the AK in your hands. Nick and Jason following behind you. You three walked the perimeter together, almost in silence. Until Nick brought up something that you didn't see coming.

"I know I probably shouldn't be saying this in front of Sgt. Dutton here, but just this morning I had a future. What I had with Rachel put me back together again". You shot a quick glance at him in surprise.
"Nick, what?!"
He put his palm out to sooth you before he continued.

"I lost that hope whenever he showed back up into her life. And I lost an even bigger hope, with her falling down off that cliff. If I was the one there with her in Eric's position, I bet I would've saved her".

"Wait, you and Rachel-" You started, you couldn't even finish because you couldn't believe it. He simply nodded. You looked at Jason beside you.
"You knew about this?" He nodded as well.

"He told me about it on the helo. I told Nicky a million times not to fall in love with her, and that marines don't have time for falling in love. But he did anyway. It's just a distraction". He stated.

"Oh". Is all you answered with. You got a quick jab of pain in your heart. For some reason that hurt you. I mean, it's not like you were falling in love. No wait, stop thinking about that. Gulping, you added onto your short response. "Well I don't think it's a distraction". You stated, looking ahead and not making any eye contact.

"Well that's because you're a woman". Jason answered. You stopped.
"What's that supposed to mean?" You questioned.

"Well I mean, women are a lot more sensitive and romantic. It's probably a lot easier for you to fall in love, than me, because I am a man". He stated, dumbfoundedly.

"Do you know how stupid you sound man?" Nick came to your aid. Jason shrugged.

Jason knew he was lying to himself. In fact, Jason knew he cared about you. He was even more sure that he cared about you, more than you cared about him. He struggled with showing his true feelings of course but something about you made him feel comfortable, and unguarded sometimes. Which wasn't easy nor normal for the First Lieutenant. Being the best of the best didn't come from being distracted or from being emotional. It came from being headstrong and focused.

You were still processing what Nick had admitted to you. Though the colonel was your superior you feel obligated to keep it between you three.

"Listen sergeant Kay, you keep that shit to yourself. I think we're all finally starting to get along. And the last thing we need is Eric losing his head again". You ordered him. Jason agreeing.

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