20. The Part that was Lost

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You sat at the edge of the cliff, your feet dangling from the edge. But you weren't worried, you weren't afraid of heights. You were afraid of heights though when there was a vampire trying to pull you down with him...

"Y/N what'd I say about walking away from me?" A voice spoke behind you, obviously it was Jasons' and his failed attempt at a joke to make you feel better. Ignoring this you sat there just observing the land below and ahead of you which seemed to go on forever. It was an awkward silence as the marine felt embarrassed that you ignored him.

"You're like talking to a brick wall". He told you, beginning to walk away. You couldn't help but snicker about this remark. Really? Jason was the one calling you a brick wall?

"I could say the same thing about yourself". You shot back at him. He stopped in his tracks and shifted his rifle.

"Do you want to repeat that? I'd remind you I'm still your superior". He shifted his tone completely. You couldn't believe the audacity. You thought you were past this stage with him.

And so did he.

You got to your feet and the two of you were in each other's face again. Jason wouldn't let his ego, his self importance down for some girl.

Some girl he was in love with.

And you wouldn't let down your pride for some filthy, southern marine.

A filthy, southern marine that gave you butterflies.

You pushed past him, pushing him in the shoulder. Not really caring who was your superior anymore. It's not like it mattered anymore anyways, you were definitely going to die down here. Jason grabbed your arm to stop you from walking away once more, harder than you would've liked.

"Let go!" You shouted at him, struggling with your other arm. He wouldn't let go. Salim was too far to hear this. Surprising even yourself how far off you walked from them.

"Jason stop!" You cried, pushing him back like the tears that were resurfacing. He pulled you to him now and released some of the pressure on your arm. Your bodies were touching now. Unsure of what this meant you looked up to him to find him with a soft look in his eyes.

"Y/N. Please stop blaming yourself, it wasn't your fault. I need you to hang in there a little longer. I promised you we are going to fucking make it out of here and we will, sergeant " He told you.

"Wasn't my fault? You and Nick have made it very clear that it was my fault". You growled back at his attempt to sooth you. Jason was punched with a feeling of guilt knowing he was partially why you were blaming yourself so much. 

Sighing, he answered you. "And for that, I'm sorry. I speak for Nicky too. If he's still alive". He apologized sincerely. You noticed the worry in his voice as he spoke about his brother in arms.

"Yeah well. I guess I'm sorry too". You wiped your nose with your free arm nervously. Jason had released his grip and pointed to the injury on your collarbone.

"How is it doing?" He asked.

"It's alright. If we get to the surface I want to get this thing checked out immediately. Who knows if I'm going to turn into one of them". You crackled but in reality that's what you were truly thinking. Jason put a hand on your other shoulder.

"When we get to the surface Y/N". He smiled at you, showing those such gentle dimples of his. You smiled back at him.

In that moment with your bodies still touching, he wanted to kiss you so badly.

"Let's get back to Salim". You told him, turning from this moment and walking. He sensed that you felt this tension too, in some way. Always turning away in these moments... being a tease.

Upon returning to Salim, you found him in the same state that you had left him. The father still looked worried and maybe even as hopeless as you, Jason truly being the only one that was optimistic of making it out of this place.

"I cannot die down here. My son needs his father". He whispered, loudly enough for the both of you to hear.

"Yeah well, I can. I have nothing to go home to". You stated jokingly. Though you were right. And if you died down here, maybe it's what you deserved.

"Would you two stop it? We're gonna make it out of here". Jason corrected the two of you.

It was silent for minutes before Jason finally spoke.

"The checkpoint". He sighed with a quiet tone. You turned to him, ready to listen to what the marine had to share about the situation he had been brushing off this whole time. He stared at the scenery beyond you, not daring to make any sort of eye contact as he spoke.

"What checkpoint?" The Iraqi asked him beside you. You knew what checkpoint but you listened patiently.

"Nick and I, we were caught in traffic. That checkpoint had been hit before by suicide bombers".

"There was a woman– she was carrying a bag". He mumbled a low "fuck" before continuing. You could see the emotion, the empathy coming from the marine now that you had so desperately been searching for. The regret. "I ordered... I ordered for her to stop. Loud and clear. But she didn't. She just kept on walkin". He stuttered.

"I uh, I had to make a call. Nick, he uh, shot her dead". You noticed Jason's eyes were glistening now.

"What was in the bag?" Salim asked curiously.


"I don't understand, why she she didn't stop?" You asked.

"She didn't hear me. She had fucking headphones in". He gritted his teeth. You started to feel remorse for him now. You wanted Jason to open up but you didn't want to see him so upset. The three of you were quiet, unsure of what to say.

"This? This is bullshit". Jason was facing the two of you now.

"I'm not here to honor the dead. Truth is, my life was going nowhere fast. I jumped at the chance to sign up".

"We all have our reasons Jason. They don't have to be profound".  You told him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Profound huh? When those towers were hit, I was stoned outta my fucking skull". He pointed to his hat, gaining yours and Salims attention once more. "I didn't even find out about it 'til a week later. How's that for profound?" He searched in your eyes.

"I don't even know what the hell I'm doing here". He finished.

"You're serving your country. Both of you are". Salim told you.

"That woman had a family, friends, she had her whole life in front of her. And we stopped it with a single bullet. I mean, what the fuck?" He choked up.

You pulled him into a hug this time. He rested his head on your good collarbone, embracing your welcoming comfort. Jason had finally destroyed that brick wall he was covering himself up with. He was communicating. And it was your job to let him know that he isn't alone.

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