13. Infected

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   The group of you followed Jason into a different wing, gaining as much distance between those things and yourselves. Panting for breath, you closed the doors behind you, Salim assisting. The group had escaped them for now. You rested your hands on your knees, desperately trying to catch your breath. Looking up you were met with Clarice. You hugged her tightly.

"Clarice oh my god". Is all you could respond with. She was alive. Maybe not well, but alive. She responded with a gruesome cough, before pulling back and giving you a smile. This is when you could really look at her. Her skin was starting to turn... grey. Her eyes dark and watery. She had drops of blood all over her face. This worried you greatly. What if she was going to turn into another thing like Joey...

Rachel greeted Nick with a huge hug, before hugging Eric afterwards. Eric stood there after the hug.

"It's him, isn't it?" He said suddenly. You whipped your attention from Clarice to the three of them. "You've been fucking him, haven't you?" He exclaimed.

"Eric it's been a year-" Rachel started before Eric lunged himself at Nick, punching him hard. Nick stumbled back before punching Eric as well, then tackling him to the ground. Rachel pulled Nick off, and Jason restrained Nick. Rachel stood between them as Eric got back to his feet.

In Arabic: "These clown Americans want us to work together but can't even get along themselves". Captain Dar had crackled to his Lieutenant.

"It's nice to see you Officer King, we thought we lost you". Jason interrupted the tense moment. Clarice fell to the ground suddenly beside you with a disgusting cough. You bent down to her as she was coughing on her hands and knees.

"What the fuck is happening to her?" Jason walked up to the two of you as the others swarmed around. You looked up at him speechless, not sure what to say. But in reality the both of you knew what was happening to her.

"We just need to get her to the surface and get her help". Rachel responded desperately. Jason pointed his gun at Clarice beside you.

"Jason!" You shouted at him. "She's one of us". Yes she was one of you but for how long?

"We can't take this risk Y/N. She's going to turn into one of those things. Like Joey!" He exclaimed.

"Joey?" Rachel asked from behind.

"I have to put her down". He added. You attempted to pull Clarice to her feet but she stopped you, gripping your arm tightly.

"Y/N. He's right". She grumbled through coughs.

"No we are getting her the fuck out of here!" Rachel intervened. "Put your gun down now Lieutenant!" She shouted at him.

"Colonel?" Jason signaled to the true superior. Rachel huffed at this. You started to feel tears swell in your eyes. You knew he was right even if you didn't want to admit it. But he was right. It would be safer this way. Clarice would be out of suffering too, but you couldn't let her go just like that.

"We can't take this risk Rachel". Eric repeated what Jason had said.

"Eric? What the fuck!" Rachel exclaimed. Jason shifted his gun back to Clarice now. "No!" You shouted at him. Clarice turned your head towards hers and you looked into her eyes. Your eyes were swelling with tears and so was hers. You met Clarice the first day you started working with Eric. But your friendship went further than satellites and science. She shared everything with you and though you weren't much of an open book yourself, you shared with her too. From then on, you two were constantly supporting each other, cracking jokes, and sometimes would even go get ice cream together after a long day.

"If I do one last thing in my life, let me do this". She sighed, coughing slightly, this time blood coming out of her mouth, turning away from you. She released and turned to Jason. The marine with his gun pointed at her. He shifted and stood there for a moment.
"Fuck!". He muttered. You stood up away from her, stepping back from the bullet range. He stood there once more, before pulling his gun down. You sighed a breath of fresh air. The Lieutenant was finally showing some type of empathy.

The truth was that the Lieutenant couldn't shoot. This was your friend. He didn't want you to hate him. In that moment he could think about the woman at the checkpoint as well.


In a flash of a moment, Dar stood with a pistol in his hands. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion as your attention turned from him to Clarice, now lifeless on the dirt. A bullet wound right through the forehead. Turning to Dar, Jason pushed him up against the wall, choking him with his arm muscles. Numbness started to sweep through you.
"You son of a bitch!" The Lieutenant shouted, dropping his gun with his free arm and laying a punch into the side of the Captains face. Rachel turned her pistol at Salim.

In Arabic: "Your friend is going to die for that". Rachel threatened. Salim surrendered the pistol in his hands to the air.

"I do not want to die. I do not want my Captain to die either. You knew that girl would turn. He did you a favor, seeing the jarhead couldn't do it himself". Salim gritted his teeth. You stood there, still stunned. The loud bang was still ringing in your head. Finally dropping down to Clarice beside you, you cradled her and cried.

"Clarice didn't want to die either". Rachel snapped back at the Iraqi. The gunfire bringing a screeching guest behind the door. You were sitting in front of it with your hands around Clarice. The thoughts racing in your head so loudly you didn't even hear the banging on the door.

"We can discuss this later. We need to move again". Salim told them. Nick walked to Jason and the Captain, Jason's eyes locked into his. Nick nudging him with Jason's gun he picked up for him. Jason released, grabbing the gun quickly, shoving the Captain and taking the gun from him. The Captain tensed.

In Arabic: "Captain we must move. We don't have time for this". Salim directed him. The others began to move as Jason came to you.

"Y/N" He spoke softly despite the danger trying to get in from the doors beside you. You were in a tranced state. Jason's voice only a fainted mumble to you. You never left your attention from Clarices lifeless body. He grabbed your shoulders this time, turning you to him. The marine looked at you with worry in his eyes. He titled your head up to his face. You saw him finally, though your vision blurred.
"I need you with me". He said to you, brushing your cheek where the dried blood from your cut was.

"I need you with me Y/N". He repeated, this time alerting you. Behind him the others were taking off down the corridor. The loud banging sounds of the doors behind you finally registering. He pulled you to your feet, gripping your wrist and then finally your hand pulling you towards the others.

You glanced back at Clarices body only to find one of the creatures bursting through the gigantic, ancient door. Followed by another creature.

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