15. Jason and Salim

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<< Jason POV >>

The Lieutenant Marine pushed the now dead creature off of his body. It had collapsed onto him once he drove his sharpened stake into the heart of the bastard. The same one that dragged him for half a mile into darkness. Getting to his feet now with his gun in his hands. He shook his head to gather his thoughts.

"Teach you to mess with a marine". He smirked, gathering himself now. He knew he would have to make his way back to the others. Turning the light back on his rifle accompanying the light on his ear set, he began back towards the way the thing had drug him, slowly with his gun pointed in front of him— stopping when he heard the sound of the Iraqi.

The Iraqi that shot him on the surface. Ducking behind the pillar into the darkness as the talking came closer, he recognized the female voice that was accompanying the enemy Iraqi. Jason decided to remain in the darkness to see what the two of you were talking about. The footprints became closer until they stopped.

"I am sorry Y/N". The Iraqi had said to you. Jason breathed air into his lungs. What the fuck could this asshole be sorry for? Jason continued to listen hoping to understand why you trusted that Iraqi so much. You spoke about your injury.

"Salim, I'm glad you're here". Your voice spoke. This jabbed at Jason, causing him to peer around from behind the pillar to find you hugging the big man, your chin rested on his shoulder as he hugged you back. Jason felt a sudden urge of... jealousy?

Coming out of the darkness quickly, he pulled the Iraqi away from you, shoving him away. Attempting to hit the Iraqi with his rifle, the Iraqi had blocked his attempt with his mental pole causing Jason to stagger back and drop his rifle. Jason attempted to throw a punch but was once again blocked by the bigger man, pushing him back and landing a punch on the marines face. Salim pushed him into the nearby wall and held the metal pole there against the marines neck, kicking him in the stomach. Jason gripped the metal pole with both hands under trying to push it away from his neck but the Iraqis grip was just too strong.

<< Your POV >>

It took you a moment to actually register what was about to happen because it had all happened so fast but once Salim pushed Jason up against the wall and had the upper hand on him you knew you'd have to intervene. Annoyed at the unnecessary and consistent fighting.

"Salim, please let him go". You sighed. You knew the kind Iraqi wouldn't hurt the Lieutenant, but damn you could understand why he would. The Lieutenant just would not give it up and put the differences aside. Salim did as you wished, pushing Jason away from him, and grabbing Jason's rifle just below his feet, pointing it at the marine. This alarmed you, quickly pointing your AK at Salim, just meters away from his side. Salim ignored this.

"Understand this, you move, you die". He told the marine in front of the both of you. You peered at Jason from the side keeping the AK focused on Salim. Jason never once leaving his gaze on the Iraqi.

"If you're gonna shoot, shoot! What're you waiting for?! You've already done it once!" The Lieutenant provoked him. You widened your eyes at this now aware that the graze Jason had on his abdomen had came from Salim himself.

"I've known many men like you. You know what they are now? Warm dirt". Salim answered the Lieutenants provocation.

"Salim put the gun down. Please". You asked him. His sights remained on Jason.

"Didn't know I was in the company of a fucking war hero!" Jason shouted at him, standing there weaponless.

"War hero?" He laughed at the marine. "Far from it".

"Now, let me tell you what's going to happen next... I would like you and I to put our differences aside like Y/N and I have. If we fight together we might get through this". He suggested. Jason looked at you with the mention of your name with an unsure look. You brought the AK down to your side with the eased words of Salim. Yet Salim kept his sights.

"Give me back my gun and we have ourselves a truce". Jason answered. You sighed with relief as the marine was finally coming to his senses.

"No, I am holding onto this". He stated, finally releasing his sights as he picked up the mental pole, throwing it to Jason. Jason caught it quickly and walked towards the two of you.

"Stay close and keep your eyes open". He told the both of you, now in control of the situation. Jason walked past the two of you as Salim signaled him.

"Do you even know how to use that rifle?" Jason jabbed at him obviously very upset that his best friend was now in the occupation of another persons arms.

"If you would like, I could give you a demonstration". Salim spoke beside you. You left out a small laugh as you followed beside him.

"That's not funny Y/N. Now get up here, I don't want you around him". He told you. You shrugged at Salim before catching up to Jason. Jason very much didn't want you around him. Especially after seeing you hug him. He couldn't help but think about how you hugged an Iraqi before you ever hugged him.

"We lost sight of the others. When I saw you getting dragged off I just didn't even think, I came for you". You told him. "Salim came after me". Jason let out a small smug laugh at the mention.

"Of course he did". He replied with. He was unaware of the intentions of the Iraqi with you but he didn't like you with him. You defended that man 'till no end. Jason couldn't help but think about the moments that just happened as well. How he embarrassed himself in front of you by being manhandled by the bigger man. Why was he caring so much? He was losing  focus and getting distracted. He was feeling everything he warned Nick about. He was eating his own words and actions.

"I can't lose anyone else. I can't lose you". You told him softly ignoring his snarky remark. He let out a small smile from the side of his mouth.

"You won't". He answered you.

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