8. Enemies?

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<< Jasons' POV >>

"Y/N!" He shouted, coming after you. His gun in his hands, he stopped at your pistol laying on the ground. Bending down to pick it up he noticed drops of blood. Panicking, he stood up until he heard a voice behind him.

"Jason, what happened? Where's Y/N and Nick?" The colonel asked him.

"Kay got separated after we got attacked by your friend. And Y/N and I were coming back to you. She was right behind me I swear, she yelled for me and disappeared. Her pistol is here. There's blood here". He gestured to the pistol frantically.
"We need to get back to Merwin now and start looking for her and Nick". Jason ordered.

Eric shoved down the urge to correct him on making decisions. Truth was is that Eric was really worried about you, much less Kay. Heading back, Merwin was gone.

"I swear he was here before I left to come get you". Eric stuttered on his words. Somehow, Jason couldn't believe that. Just like how Eric couldn't believe that you were right behind Jason.

"Why the fuck would you leave him". Jason shouted, anger reaching his surface again.
"What did you want me to do? Sit here and listen to you yell?" Eric snapped back, taking a deep breath he spoke again.
"Enough of this, lets go".

Jason couldn't help but think about you at this time. He had let his guard down and you disappeared. But that's not only what he was thinking about. He was thinking about the moment he shared with you in the tunnel. He couldn't help but think you were so delicate, your small hands helping patch his upper abdomen. The tingles he got down his spine as you did so. The way you looked at him up. The way you laughed. You were messing with the Lieutenants head, for whatever reason.

Eric and Jason continued back where they got split off with Nick, and to Jason's surprise he was there, still on the other side of the rocks that fell between. One by one they removed the rocks and regrouped with Nick.

"Sargent Kay have you seen Y/N?" Eric asked impatiently. Nick coughed from the loose dust from the explosion as he shook his head.

"Nope, but I did hear screaming. I think". He whimpered.
"You think?" Jason questioned. Nick shook his head again.
"I don't know Jason, I think I'm going crazy down here". He stuttered. Jason gripped Nicks shoulder.

"Nicky I need you to stay with me. We're going to get the hell out of here". He promised the corporal. Nodding, the three of them continued to look for you. "Merwin?". Jason shook his head at Nicks question.

Static came from the mics suddenly.
"Hello? Does anyone copy?" Jason asked.
"Jason". The female voice whimpered. "I'm injured".

<< Your POV >>
Feeling relieved to hear his voice. Salim stepped back after patching up your collarbone.
"There are others?" He asked you. You nodded.
"I don't think your friends are going to take very much liking to me". He whispered, sitting down alongside the rock, as you did the same.

"I promise I'll protect you". You promised, which was true. You had bonded with this man and knew he was no enemy. You rested your arm on his arm to ease his worried look.

"The enemy of my enemy, is a friend". You reassured him. It was awhile until you were stumbled upon.

"Get the fuck up now". Jason shouted with his gun pointed at the Iraqi. Eric and Nick coming up from behind him, the gun pointed at him as well. Salim got to his feet quickly with a pistol pointed at them.

"Get the fuck away from her". Jason added, signaling Salim to move. Salim stepped away with his gun pointed at Jason. You stood up.
"Okay let's all just fucking take a second. He's not hostile". You exclaimed getting to your feet, picking up the AK-47. Jason not once shifted his attention from the Iraqi.

"Get down on the ground!" Jason ignored you and shouted at Salim once more.
"Stop pointing your guns at me! I don't want to hurt you". Salim pleaded in an agitated voice.

"Your uniform tells me something different". Jason pulled the gun closer in his sights.
"Drop your weapon before I fucking drop you". He ordered at the Iraqi.

"Jason, stop!" You pleaded.
"If you pull that trigger I swear it's going to be the last thing you do!". He ignored you.

"I didn't come this far to die from a trigger happy American!" Salim answered. And with that, you stepped in between them, in front of Salim. Looking back at Salim, he put the pistol up in the air with his hands, surrendering. Turning back to Jason, he still had his gun aimed, this time at you.

"Y/N, get the fuck out of the way". He stated. You didn't move.
"That's an order". He commanded. Eric and Nick had already lowered their weapons. Jason and you stood there for moments, before he released.

"There's no point in fighting". You sighed.
"Tie him up, if he tries anything I'm going to put a bullet in his skull". Jason ordered to Nick, who was already walking over in your direction, pulling Salim on the ground, taking his pistol and tying his hands behind his back. You couldn't help but think of how unnecessary that was.
Jason walked up to you, preparing yourself for scolding you found his tone in the same tone as before.

"Are you okay?" He asked, touching your collarbone.
"I'm okay".
"He saved my life Jason. He patched me up. I owe him". Jason huffed at this, walking to Salim and staring at him.

Eric walked to you and put a hand on your good shoulder.
"Got worried I lost you too". He sighed. You could still see the worry on his face.
"We need to head back to the temple". Eric commanded to the rest of the group, so you did.

"We still have the east flank to cover". Jason signaled to you and Nick. Eric was behind, dragging the demon that Salim had just killed with the bunch of you. He wanted to do a full autopsy on it to figure out what the hell it actually was.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay with that injury Mrs Dutton?" Jason looked to your left. In fact, you didn't know if you were going to be okay. It was painful alright, but the pressure from the bandages was holding it together pretty well. You replied with a simple yes.
Jason tied Salim to one of the pillars in the temple.

"You have to untie me, the demons will kill me". Salim pleaded.
"Jason". You agreed with Salim.
"It's okay, you friend is here to protect you". His usual slight southern accent signaled to you, then walked away. You bent down to speak to Salim.
"It's okay, we've got this place pretty well locked down". You told him.

"You said I would be safe". He argued. You struggled to come up with an answer for him but Jason called for you before words could leave your mouth.

The Enemy of my Enemy [JASON KOLCHEK x FEM READER]Where stories live. Discover now