6. Regrouping

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"Any call signs this is Rachel. Contact, Contact we're taking fire! Does anyone copy over?" Rachel's voice came through the ear pieces. Hearing Rachels voice nearly uplifted your spirit, dragging you from the dreadful thoughts of what happened to Clarice.

"King, this is Mailman Two One Actual. Say again? Over". Jason replied. No response.
"King do you copy? Over". You spoke into your mic. Yet again nobody got a response.
"Damnit". Nick muttered.

"They have to be close, let's keep moving". Jason replied, shifting Merwin on his back.
"I'm slowing you down". Merwin muttered. He was awake now, you walked up to him on Jason's back.

"Merwin, how do you feel". You asked him. You could see almost the hopelessness in his eyes. He chuckled.
"Better now seeing your face". He added. You nearly laughed at this. At least he still had his unusual humor.
"We need to move". The Lieutenant spoke in front of you. And so you began to move again.

"No, no, no, no!" Eric's voice shouted in the distance. He was on the edge of a cliff, with a rope in his hands. Jason dropped Merwin immediately as Nick took off after Eric. You went after him. It appeared to you that the rope was slipping from his hands. Nick came and pulled him back, attempting to save him from falling.

"It's Rachel, she's". Eric started to explain. Until he stopped struggling and you hear the loud scream come from Rachel below.
"No! Rache!" He pleaded. Nick and Jason pulled him back to the steady surface, as he continued to cry for Rachel. You helped him up. He looked at you with an unbelievable expression. Nick walked over to the cliff and yelled for her.

"He opened fire on us. And Rache, she fell". He said between tears to you.
Oh my god.

You took a moment to recollect your thoughts. You didn't know Rachel that well but you knew how badly Eric was hurting. Or how he appeared to be hurting. Assuming their marriage wasn't perfect, considering they've been apart for a year, you knew he still had feelings for her. You pulled him into a quick hug.

"I held on... I held on for as long as I could". He sobbed. You patted his back, not knowing how to respond.
"We gotta move". Jason interupted with his gun in front of him. "We gotta move Colonel we're sitting ducks". He said, going back to grab Merwin.

You walked ahead up to a stone structure that almost looked like a museum entrance. Walking in, there were HUGE statues that were ancient.
"Pazuzu". You whispered, remembering these statutes from a horror movie you'd watched years ago.

"Slow down, he could still be here". Eric informed.

"Right now the Iraqis are the least of our problems". Jason said, sitting Merwin down.

"This is Mailman Two-One Actual to all call signs. Does anyone report in? Joey?" He spoke. Your heart skipped at the name.

"Joeys dead". You responded.
"What're you talking about?" He questioned. Everyone starred at you awaiting your response.
"The Iraqis tore right through him on the surface. He died in my fucking arms". You spoke, softly adding the end of it. Pushing back the tears from such a sad moment.

"Oh no, not Joey". Jason replied with a soft sigh.
"Goddamnit". Merwin shouted.
"We need to get the hell out of here". Nick blocked off our upset feelings as if he wasn't mourning too.

"We gotta lock this place down, buy ourselves some breathing space". Jason informed.
"Lieutenant what did you mean when you said the Iraqis are the least of our worries?" Eric asked.

"We are under attack by monsters Eric. I know you're not going to believe me because they didn't believe me at first either. Hell I barely believe it". You answered for Jason. Absently calling your colonel by his first name.

The Enemy of my Enemy [JASON KOLCHEK x FEM READER]Where stories live. Discover now