10. Familiar Faces

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You wrapped up securing the wings and began back toward the temple. The pain on your collarbone had eased up a bit, it wasn't until you really stretched it is when it hurt. You had your AK-47 in your hands. Nick walked up ahead, as Jason fell back to you.

"Y/N, I retrieved your pistol for you".

He handed the pistol to you, you took it from his hand, the two of you touching hands once again. You looked up at him, and he smiled his small sly smile. He had such cute dimples, you thought. Smiling back you thanked him.

"Don't you ever take off without one of us again, you hear me?" He told you. "What, you don't think I handle myself?" You laughed.

"Obviously not. Tell me, why did you walk back towards the tunnel?".

"I thought... I thought I heard Joey. Just like you did. It's impossible, he died in my arms. I don't know why I'm second guessing it". You choked on your words. "I told him he was going to live. He had a bullet hole right below his clavicle. It was way too close to his heart. I lied to him in his final moments".

Jason put a hand on your shoulder.
"Y/N, I'm not sure what's going on, but once we get out of here we can get medical help. You could've suffered a contusion or some sort on the farm while we were getting ambushed. Looks like Nicky here is gonna need it too". He pointed to his sergeant, walking ahead of the both of you.

"Jason, I'm not crazy". You corrected him.
"What about you? Do you need help?"

Jason looked at you in a questionable look, and took his hand off of your shoulder.
"Does it look like I need help?" He asked offended then shaking his head. He left your side and walked up ahead with Nick. The wall between the two of you had seemed to build up again.

Jason was so stubborn, you had noticed this awhile back but now it was more clear than ever. He ignored any type of emotional confrontation, like he was scared of it? Or like it made him uncomfortable? You weren't good at reading the Lieutenant but you read him just enough to know there was something he was hiding.

The three of you had came up on an opening in the earth, with a far drop below. What looked like a electrical line reached out over this dark abyss.
"It looks like a line. Maybe we can get the radio working and send a signal out". Nick started forward quickly.
"We don't even know if there's a working transmitter on the surface". You stated.
"Those wires have gotta go somewhere". Jason answered you. The three of you stood towards this.
"Don't think they work, look over there they're all snagged up". You answered him, pointing to a opening where the wires were intertwined.

The sound of loud footsteps came behind you, you whirled around with your pistol pointed to see a figure jump on you quickly, and roll you off onto the dangling electrical tower, it rolled over top of you as your pistol went flying to the abyss below, you losing it once more.

Joey. But this wasn't the same Joey who greeted you as soon as you arrived at camp. Nor the same Joey you held and watch die. This Joey was a monster. Joey had grayish, blue skin, with dark veins appearing everywhere. Horns from the top of his head, dead, cold eyes. He opened his mouth and let out a loud hiss at you. You noticed the inside of his mouth, two fangs in the front, blood dripping from his mouth.

Attempting to hold him away from your face your heart was beating rapidly, you were about to either fall to your death, or Joey was going to kill you.

"Joey, it's me!" You shouted. He wouldn't release. The sounds of cracking of the wooden electric pole had began to sound.
"Y/N!" You heard both of the boys shout.

Remembering the knife you had, you grabbed it from your pocket and you struck Joey in the shoulder, pulling out as he released some of the weight he had on you, and then again in the chest, leaving the knife there. You were sliding out from him, close to the safe land, kicking him back on your back. Attempting to get yourself off of the unsafe structure, Joey grabbed at your feet, pulling you to the edge of the structure, losing balance as your body slipped from the structure, your hands catching you from falling.

Your body was dangling as you were holding on for your life. Eric had ran up to this scene with the UV wand in his hand, bearing it at Joey who shrieked, catching flame and at last backing away from you. Seeing this stunning you. Your hand on the right side had slipped from the grip of the wood due to the pain in your collarbone.

Your scream was cut short by Jason bending down and grabbing your arm finally. The sound of the structure not being able to hold all of this weight. Eric was quick to leave as Jason pulled you up, onto the safe side of cliff.

You collapsed onto his chest, breathing heavy, and sliding off beside him. You both slid onto your elbows to watch Joey burning, frantically moving all around trying to put himself out, then falling off of the structure to the abyss below. Following this was screeches below, many of them. As if there were more down there.

You looked at Jason beside you, your faces so close together. You laughed a sigh of relief, as he answered with one as well, falling back down onto the rocks with your back against them. He did the same. You breathed heavy and turned your head to him.

"Jason". You said, his ear right beside you. He turned to you as your faces were merely touching on the cold ground.
"Are you going to go retrieve my pistol now?" You laughed, he laughed with you. The two of you dizzy from all of the adrenaline that had just reached the surface in each of you putting you on a high. This making it to where you didn't have time to think that was Joey. You felt like you were going insane.

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