16. Threes Company

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The three of you took a different way deeper into the temple. Salim convincing the both of you that the place where your group was attacked could still be crawling with things and you would have to find a different way around to the others.

That's if the others were still alive.

On the other hand, Salim and Jason would not stop bickering about things. Jason almost always being the one to start it. You ignored this for the most part, just letting the two men argue like third graders...

"This gate looks like our best way through". Salim walked up to a gate behind another statue of Pazuzu, you and Jason walking up behind him and observing.

"If I think for one second you're trying to cross us, you best believe the next moment you're dead". Jason told him, signaling to the gate.

"I kill vampires. Do you think I'm afraid of a jarhead?" Salim responded with shaking his head.

"I'm gonna need you two to lift it up so I can slip through". You interrupted them, placing the AK on your back that you thought about giving Jason. After all, he was the better shot but you were still afraid he could try to pull something on Salim. Salim held both his captains M4 on his back, and Jason's rifle in his hands still not daring to give either up to Jason.

"No way. I'll slip through and make sure it's safe first". Jason told you. You laughed at him suddenly being over protective.

"Please. You stay here with Salim and I'll check it out. I'm smaller anyway". You giggled, giving him a punch on the arm. The two of them lifted up the gate as you slipped through. The gate was heavy for its size but of course it was made out of rock. The gate came crashing down behind you barely making it before dirt and debris fell on both sides of the gate. Small boulders piling in front of your side of the door.

"Are you okay Y/N?" Salim was the first to speak.

"Yes. I just need to clear it from my side". You told the two.

"Do it quick sweetheart. Those things could be anywhere". Jason said suddenly, earning a glance from the Iraqi which was exactly what he wanted. Even if he didn't mean sweetheart in an endearing way. And meaning it in more of a hurry the fuck up I'm awkwardly stuck with this idiot, type of way.

You laughed at the marines comment bending down to clear the boulders. They were pretty good sized and you knew you would have some trouble with it due to your shoulder. Picking up the biggest one you placed it out of the way of the gate, and then the next one. Taking your good time.

"So, what do you think these things are?" Jason's voice asked the Iraqi from the other side of the wall. You nearly smiled at the marine attempting to make conversation.

"They're vampires". He replied with. You thought about that for a moment. It would make sense, the fangs on Joey attempting to bite you and not crush you. Salim telling you that they burn in the light, and Joey burning from the UV wand. Why didn't you think about that?

"Not possible". Jason dismissed his assumptions immediately.

"My father once told me, if it looks like shit, smells like shit, you don't have to taste it to know that it's shit".

Jason laughed under his breath at the Iraqis smart remark. "Believe me, they're vampires. We must work together to defeat them". He reminded the marine. You finished clearing the rocks before signaling the two to attempt once more. Salim held it for Jason, and then you and Jason held it on the other side for Salim to slip through. The stretching of the tissue causing the injury on your collarbone to bleed once more.

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