21. Taking Initiative

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"Salim, Jason, listen please!" You pleaded at the two men once more begging for them to hear you out. "We are waiting for something to happen! Maybe we should take the initiative and make something happen!" You had suggested to the two that the three of you to go deeper into his hell and attempt to find the home of the vampires to destroy them once and for all.

"We go inside there and we find a way to hurt them! Before they can hurt us!" You merely shouted pointing at the endless abyss, attempting to get your point across. You looked back and forth at them awaiting a positive answer. Thinking, Salim finally complied.

"I guess she is right. We are still alive, what other choice do we have?"

"We are still alive right now, if we go in there, we'll die". Jason corrected him, crossing his arms.

"Jason, it's like you said. We're going to make it out of here. We just have to find out how". You used his words against him. Jason was outnumbered now, so there wasn't much he could do except agree with Salim and you, and tag along.

"Whatever happens out there, and it comes down between every man for themselves, I'm taking her and we're leaving". He reminded the Iraqi.

"Believe me, you will need me a hell of a lot more than I'll need you". He laughed at the marine.

"Is that so?" Jason stepped to Salim with a smirk on his face.

"Yes, but don't worry. I'll hold your hand. But, I am not cuddling you. That's for Y/N to do". He poked at Jason. Your face flushed red with embarrassment at the Iraqis sudden comment. Jason blushed before turning from the man.

"Lets to kill some fuckin' vampires. Oorah!" He called. You followed this with a Oorah of your own.

"What the hell is that sound?" Salim came to the side of the two of you.

"It's a marine thing". Jason shrugged.

"Oh, does that make me a marine too?"

"Lets not get ahead of ourselves". Jason replied, you nudged him in the shoulder playfully.

The three of you jumped off of the structure you were on and continued further onto the ledge, watching your step carefully as you observed the area around it. It was unreal, gigantic metal tunnels. Rock walls in caved in and out, and those glowing green eggs in batches. You came to some sort of vine-like plant on the ground. Unawarely stepping on it which caused it to burst in air letting of a pop

"Holy shit". You breathed. It was harmless, but loud and definitely scared the shit out of you. Salim laughed at you. "We need to watch where we step".

"Yeah no kidding. Now come on". Jason told the two of you and began forth again, up onto another platform. There you found vampires with their wings wrapped around them, standing up but not moving. You approached one of them cautiously and checked it out.

"Come check this out". Jason got your attention from a distance as he whisper shouted. He had already jumped down to another platform, and was examining something. You joined Salim and dropped down to Jason.

"This moss is everywhere". Salim commented on the stuff you had stepped on earlier.

"It's almost like it's alive". You added, walking to the marine in a whisper. He stood before another one of those creatures.

"It's old. Ancient". Salim commented.

"Do you think it's still alive?" He asked the two of you.

"Touch it". Jason answered his question.

"You touch it".

"Pussy". Jason reached out for the creature. You sighed at his arrogance but watched him. He touched it ever slightly with his pointer finger. The creature began to crack and fall toward. You stepped out of the way as Salim grabbed Jason's arm and threw him out of the way. The creature came crashing down to the platform.

"Thanks". Jason told the Iraqi, getting to his feet quickly.

"Did you see that? The creature was fossilized... It must be millions of years old". You told them. How could something so inhuman survive down here for millions of years? You began down the bridge once more.

"I'm starting to feel a little woozy". You told them, catching yourself starting at the abyss below.

"Y/N just don't look down". Jason told you. You ignored this useless help and began to follow once more. You came to a body that was half skeleton and the other half remained in tack. It was a man with a dark skin tone. One of those cocoons behind him that covered the preserved side of him in a gooey substance.

"Holy shit". You murmured, the three of you bending down to the corpse.

"Check out that armor. This guy is goddamn biblical". Jason commented as Salim turned his lighter back on and held it to the corpses face.

The corpse had the same gashes on his face that you did on your collarbone... You noticed this quietly. Now even more afraid of what that injury could do to you. Your thoughts were interrupted as Salim jumped back, causing Jason and you to stand up quickly.

"Did you see that? He is still alive". Salim informed you.

"That's impossible". Jason denied.

"In this place? Anything is possible". You assured the Lieutenant. You took your attention back to the corpse as the corpse began to breathe out of its mouth– though there was still not even the slightest bit of movement.

"No fuckin way! This guys been here this whole time? Just sitting here with half of his head gone?" Jason marveled.

"This gooey fluid shit must've preserved that side of his body". You told them.

"But his brain—". Jason started.

"We should end his suffering". You stopped him, looking at the two of them. "We can't leave him like this".

"Well shit he's had enough time to get used to it". Jason remarked.

"I'm serious".

Jason lifted his weapon as you finished your sentence but Salim caught him and pushed it down, grabbing the mental stake from his back.

"The noise will attract the vampires. I'll do it". Correcting the marine, he spoke something in his language before stabbing the man through the heart.

In Arabic: "The time has come for you to rest, soldier".

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