Descendants 2 AU

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(I fell in love with some of the Descendants songs again and I thought about how my OC, Brenda, would be the perfect Uma. I didn't want to write this without a proper set of characters for my little AU, so I thought that I'd give you my cast first:

Sarah would be Mal, Keigo/Hawks would be Ben, Jaclyn would be Evie, Dabi would be Jay and Shigaraki would be Carlos [because he's scared of hurting dogs ;-;]. On Brenda's side, Corinne would be Harry and Twice would be Gil. I'm taking out Lonnie from the scene because she's more of a background character anyway.

I posted this in my "Slept On Smh" book on my secondary account and in "Fantasy" in case this gets taken down for whatever reason.

There aren't quirks in this AU, just the Descendants magical vibe/aesthetic. If you haven't seen the movies, they're really good. The third is my favorite because of Audrey's villain arc >>>.

Play the song at the "*'" point for the best experience as usual.

I tried to make it more about Twice and Brenda but Dabi being the best distraction kinda took over the plot lol. I've never written a Descendants AU so I'm scared of how this is going to go. I still hope you like it!)

We're Acquainted


*' "Let him go, Brenda!" Sarah demanded. She was strutting up to her former friend's pirate ship with her friends close behind. "We aren't scared of you, Bren. Just let bird bitch go and we'll be outta here." Dabi remarked.

"Hey!" Keigo yelled from the ship's plank. He was surprised that Corinne was strong enough to keep him from trying to get off the plank in the first place. The young king's wings were tied up tight, almost suffocated. Even if he wanted to, Keigo wouldn't make it out of this one his own.

"Not helping," Sarah whispered, making the scarred thief scoff. "It was still funny. I even got princess to smile." Dabi chuckled. He slanted his head toward his girlfriend, softly giggling at the embarrassed king of Mustafu.

"Or what, you'll throw me off of my own ship? I'd like to see you try. Just give me the wand, and your bird prince will be all yours." Brenda snickered, earning a nod from Corinne. "One wrong move and he's shark bait!" Corinne chuckled, teasingly pushing Keigo closer to the edge of the plank. "Watch it!" He let out an unnatural whine.

"Aww, the king is scared! We should help him, he looks like he could use a hand!" Jin mocked Keigo before his second voice chimed in. "Hun, you're not roasting him. You know what? It's fine, don't worry about it." Brenda pecked her crewmate's forehead, making his cheeks flush a bright red. "You know what to do, Sare-bear! If you don't give us the wand, your boyfriend goes bye-bye~" The captain teased.

"Shouldn't we have some kind of a plan before rushing in to save Keigo?" Jaclyn raised a brow at her best friend, observing her eyebrow visibly twitching. "No, no it's fine! We can outwit them! They're just pirates; we have Mustafu strength now too-" Sarah insisted, tensing up. Her fingers clenching around the wand in her hand. "Jaclyn has a point." Shigaraki interrupted bluntly. "For once I agree with him. You can't rush into things because your boyfriend is in trouble." Dabi agreed wryly. "He's not my boyfriend." Sarah replied. "Then how did you get the King of Mustafu to trust you?" Shigaraki raised a brow, amused by his blushing friend. "W-we're acquainted."

Jaclyn sighed. "Should we hand over the wand to them? They're pirates; they might end the world as we know it with All Might's sheer power in the thing..." She asked. "I have a better idea, princess. Watch and learn..." Dabi suggested as he pecked Lady Nagant's daughter on the cheek and neared the walkboard to Brenda's ship.

"Hey Bren! I bet you're not tough enough to free bird bitch!" He cawed mockingly. "I didn't hear that, care to repeat it?" Corinne sneered, pointing her hook at Dabi's neck. Knowing full well that she could claw his vocal cords out of his throat, he remembered what fear felt like. At least before remembering he was a thief with acrobatic skills that could match Mirko's. He did a flip in the air and landed feet-first onto the ship, causing it to shift in the water. "I just don't think your captain can handle fighting a bird at full strength." Dabi teased with a smirk.


"C'mon Jin, you know I'm right. She may be your girl and all, but-" Dabi caught his former accomplice's gaze and smoothly continued his diversion. "Call me girl again and I'll have your head on a platter." Brenda bellowed; her sword hovered inches close to the thief's neck. "We live on the Isle, we're acquainted to threats like that all the time. Or have you forgotten?"

"When there's nothing to lose, who's to say I have nothing to win...Dabi?"

To be continued...

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