Dablyn Angst because I felt like it

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(Finals week is so stressful but I started reading "Mistakes" and got inspired to write this. It's a good read, but I didn't like how Dabi was inconsistent with how he treated the reader. Those feelings I got from the book inspired me to write this so I'm giving you some angst until my next update for this book. 


I don't think you ever loved me at all


"Hey Ava?"


"Tell M.S. I'm going to have some delays."



Jaclyn couldn't run and teleport away forever. She went by Diamond, a member of the mysterious, all women vigilante group, the Femmes, in her costume. Diamond stuffed her phone inside her satchel-belt, praying that the pockets would stay closed as she kept moving. He was smart, he'd find her eventually. Not to mention the diamond necklace she planned to return to its owner was shinier and gaudier than she anticipated.

"You're going to give that back to me, princess!" The arsonist growled, his voice still attractive as ever. At least, that's what she thought. "You're not going to touch me if I have anything to say about it." She mumbled to herself, still diligently making her escape.

Her dark brown eyes alternated between focusing on the path in front of her and looking for an alleyway to slide into. "Fuck, where do I go now-there!" She jumped up and teleported into a pristine building, hellbent on teleporting into a women's bathroom. Unfortunately, it was too far away and she fell back-first. The padding of her costume barely keeping her steady.

"That was quite the landing, princess." Dabi, her ex, teased. "Finding out you were using me for sex was a landing in itself, dickhead." She grumbled, curling up into a ball. "Aw, c'mon doll. You can't be that mad-" He answered wryly, making her heart crack. Even though it had been months, Diamond winced at his lack of perception of her. It felt like he didn't know who she was.

Suddenly the vigilante's breathing felt strained, and she bit her bottom lip angrily at tears threatening to fall. Flashbacks of her happy memories with him started to sneak into her mind as she slowly stood up, keeping her back to him.

"Aww, you still missed me-" He broke the silence with that mocking tone he'd have when they would argue over something stupid and make up after. She took a deep breath, sliding her hands under her face mask and wiping her eyes. "Shut the fuck up. You don't know me as well as you think you do then. I don't think you ever loved me in the first place." Diamond snarled, stepping closer to him and harshly poking his chest.

"I can't say I felt the same way, but now I know you wasted my time.  Sorceress was right. You are a flaming piece of shit" She smiled wistfully under her mask. "Out of all of my life regrets, meeting you is at the top of the list. I'm gonna return this to its owner. If you even touch my ponytail, I'll behead you faster than Anne Boleyn was." Jaclyn threatened him coldly. "Oh, and I have something to give you."

He grinned at the sudden change in her tone. "I do like the sound of gifts, baby-" She smirked under her face mask and hit him in the head with a frying pan. "The only baby I am is Sorceress's, first of all." Jaclyn thought aloud, satisfied with herself.

"Second, how's that for a gift?"

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