43. Lost Cost

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"A frown on P'Arthit face is a sign of today's disaster day." Beam said handing him a copy of the documents looking dazzling as normal.

Arthit glared at him. "Your beaming face these days annoyed me the most."

"I shouldn't ask, but I will do a good deed today while waiting for my paycheck. So, what makes you frown today, P'Arthit?" Beam said ignoring the glare and opening his bank account apps. "Wait, what do you mean by these days? I'm always beaming!"

Before Arthit can open his mouth, Beam yelled to someone.

"P'Toota! New gossip. Come quic_." Before Beam finished, Toota arrived standing beside him, looking excited.

"Slow down man. You making the building shake." Prem yelled from his desk.

"Shut up Prem! I'm doing the favor by checking the stability for your sake!" He replied sassily before turning to Arthit. "So, so, so?"

Arthit clicks his tongue looking annoyed at Toota's excited face. "Nothing."

"What nothing. It's always something if you this grumpy in the morning!"

"Fine!" Arthit gives up. Toota can be annoying sometimes, plus he also wants to rant to them. "I'm meeting stupid guy again."

"Isn't it always?" Beam answered nonchalantly. Looking straight to one particular table. "We have many here. Which one?"

"Bright or Ming?" Prem and Toota both replied at the same time. "Why are you here, Prem?" Toota kicks him.

"They are in another category." Arthit sighed. "One of Bulidit staff calls me asking to come urgently early in the morning."

They nodded waiting for the story to continue, excitedly.

"When I arrived. He asks me to repair his car."

They nodded again like puppies waiting for the treat.

"And guess what?"

"What?" Toota and Prem ask together.

Before Arthit answers, Beam cut his words. "He ridiculed you by judging how a mechanical engineer can't repair a car?"

Arthit run through his hair frustrated. "Did he think all mechanical engineers know how to repair? I learn theory, dammit, THEORY!!!"

They all sighed loudly knowing the frustrating judgment. It is like you asking psychiatrists to do a brain operation. Meanwhile, the gossiper can't take that news. "That the only thing? That the gossip? I waste my five minutes here for nothing. I need to take a day off to regain my working mood again."

"Don't you dare Toota!" Arthit warned while Prem quickly back to his table. No way he's going to stay when the clown start juggling.

"Fine..." He thinks for a while and then smiles with his most evil naughty smile. "Let me do something then." He turns to Beam quickly. "Beam, Pha, and Kit went to breakfast without you."

"Whattt! My free breakfast. Damn you Pha. I shall revenge. And where is that chocolate guy!! How dare he confiscate my phone just because a delivery girl call me." Beam walks fast to exit, his hand manages to steal a snack from Toota's table.

"I seriously don't like where this going..." Arthit said after Beam went off, looking terrified at Toota gleeful face. 

"You either help me or I'm going home today and you do the trash report by yourself," Toota smirked, showing something from his phone.

"Oh god! Please refrain me from becoming a murderer in my early life and leave Kong alone." He looks up, praying seriously.

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