25.0 I'm not stalking!

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Kit PoV

It's late in the evening on the last day of the week. It also nearly a week since the games had started. Almost all have checked their identity. Nothing big happen except for once when Toota checked his card.

They have to hold him from smashing the computer used for the confirmation. He's crying convincing all the other people he actually an angel coming from heaven. Now everyone knows what card he got. Poor him.

Most staff have gone back to their house. I purposely use this hour to check mine.

I'm a bit nervous. If I get the demon card, it will be a disaster. Not that I care if they call me demon-like Beam. He declared to all, he is a son of the King devil right after he checked his card. He's insane. I should start preparing his bag to be admitted.

I don't really understand the rules. not my forte. Never fond of games that need me thinking. I prefer UNO. I sighed taking the stair to level 15.

My only worry is the extra work I will have to do if I get the demon card. I keep praying for the name Ming always call, hoping I will get the card.  An old saying if we keep chanting the same things, your wish will come true.

I'm hoping for this time, it will work. And maybe I could treat him to dinner? He won't know the reason. If it won't work, I'm smacking him...without him knowing the reason also.

I walk slowly to the room, situated one level above ours. I saw Tul, my colleague I've known from another project and greeted him with a smile. He's a junior a year below me but very efficient. Always the last one to go back. He has a habit to finish all his work by 5 pm, submitting everything, but he still staying after that. I wonder why he staying. Did we have a culture the worker cant go home till the boss go home? Even it is true, his boss always on time. How do I know? He's crazy about Korean drama I introduce him before won't miss one episode even its means bringing all his work home. Tul mutters good luck before continuing his work.

I smile. He's right, we do need luck for this.

"Please, please. For this time, let me be an angel." I whisper in the empty room.

I key in my user Id and password onto the system and quickly close my eyes after I press the send button.




I peek a little and when I saw the first letter is A with a picture, I scream joy.

I quickly unlock my phone to send the message to the gang. I stop. They do said, do not disclose your identity. What does that mean? Isn't demon only need to work? Angel doesn't need to do anything, so it fine to do it right?

I think it for a while before deciding to follow the instruction. Just to play safe. While I wonder, a message comes from Ming.

"P'Kit, let's go for dinner 😍😍😍😍."

Shit! How does he know? I look around for a camera. Nothing shining. Shit. Talk about shining. The cactus incident still haunted me. "I'm at home," I replied quickly. He won't know.

"But your car is still in the office."
"Did your car broke down?"
"Who's give you a ride?"
"Did you ride with a stranger?"
"You shouldn't do that. You have me P'Kit."
"I'm your husband. I'll take care of the man job."

He not giving me time to reply. Why you! I'm also a man! Idiot!! I reply with angry emoji while walking towards the lift.

"I want his name."

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