23.0 Mickey Mouse

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An email arrived from the HR department. I sip my ice chocolate, taking a deep breath and click on the email. Drinking this will calm me from the unpredictable email. They have the tendency to drop a bomb when you least expected.

To: {All_Sakura_Platform_Project}
Cc: Lam; Phana

Dear All,

Please read the instruction and warning below carefully. For any inquires, you can liaise with me or Khun Lam. For any complaints (or you have the urge to kill someone), please do directly to Khun Phana Kongtanin. (I suggest using a chain saw. A tall poll usually afraid of those.)

How to play?

The rules are simple. Each one of you will be given a card that shows either you are an absolute beautiful Angel fallen from Heaven or you're a Demon rises from 7 layers below the earth. (Legend said the card know who you really are. Beware of the shocking revelation)

A person with a Demon card (who only realize now that he/she is actually having a demons accentor) need to repent to become Angel while a beautiful and handsome angel doesn't need to do anything.

A demon who fail to become an angel at the end of the games will be subjected to punishment.

It is advised to not disclose your identity to other participants.

You can check your status from times to time at discussion room no 15-A provided at level 15. You can only check your status once every single day.

No fighting, pulling hair, knocking others with a mug or 'accidentally spill tea' to other people during the games. Failure to comply will revoke your status as a participant. (Revoking means you go straight to the hell or in another word, volunteering as the labourer for the company dinner event)

Tricks and treats are encouraged but at your own risk.

Flirting is also acceptable limited to single people.

Till then, good luck creatures!! (You need more than this. Better start your prayer now. I need to find the nearest river).

Hint: A demon is always a demon.

The one and only,

Intern at Human Resources,
Bulidit Ltd.

Please note, all the words outside the bracket are from the company while the remaining is from my turmoil emotion of having extra work.


I close the email. Did Spark really write that?

Good luck boy. I hope you survive from the real demon upstairs.

I look at my empty mug, stand up to make a new drink when someone opens the door. "Hi, angel. Wanna have lunch with me?". Ah. Here he comes. The General Demon himself. I take a deep breath. I need this every time. It takes more energy to deal with the General than following the King himself to paintball. Should I raise the white flag to Beam?

I sit back looking for support from my comfortable chair. "Have you ever being tired Ming?".

"Of what?" He takes a sit in front of me, playing with the only pen I had. I always stock the pen every week but somehow, as many as I put, it always left with one at the end of the day. Am I that careless?

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