21.0 The Conjuring (continue)

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I'm gritting my teeth feeling irritated when I saw our seat.

A couple seat with a red blanket and pillows. What they expecting us to do here!


I bet this puppy paid tons looking at how exclusive this hall. He should sponsor me to Korea instead.

He will if you ever ask.

Shut up!

There is no hand rest separating our seat. It's more like a hideous love shape bed. Our seat is separate from the other at the highest place of the seating arrangement without anyone in our row. It strange, all the seat below us pack with people.

What can I expect when it's him who bought the ticket.

Remind me to never let him buy the ticket again.

oh? so there will be next time?

You want to be zombie food?

The hall fills up with darkness.


Wait... dark, pillow, bed, empty row...

"Don't you dare do whatever you plan to do in your perverted mind," I warned Ming. I still can't trust him after he tricks me.

Ming raised his hand, surrender early.

"Yes Kitkat, I promise. Can we just sit? The movie starting soon."

I sat removing the blanket.

Is this even hygienic?

"Keep this." I handed the blanket to Ming.

This fluffy innocent red blanket will turn dangerous when you go out with Ming. Especially when you're in a dark place.

Ming takes the blanket without any complaint. His eyes focus on the movie that just started.

I study his face for some times. He looks like a normal moviegoer. No grin, no smirk, no annoying face.

Maybe I overthinking?

And how many times you have fallen for Ming's trick for NOT overthinking huh?

My subconscious snicker at my own thought.

Shut up! Is your own fault! Who the hell agreed to play games with Beam. Its Beam we talking about!


I glance once a while into the movie. They started to play the suspend song. I need to get out from here quick.

"I'm going out. I need the popcorn to watch the movie with." I said my excuse before quickly leaving the place.

I walk really slowly. So slow that people who go out for the toilet are passing me again nearly at the same spot.

I finally reach the booth and order the combo. I'm chatting with the person trying to waste time, asking all the unnecessary question.

My phone then vibrate. I look at the pop-up notification. Ming asks me for some chips. I sighed. If he asks, then I have to go back, otherwise, he realizes I'm gone too long.

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