30.0 A Childhood Dream Job (continue)

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"We'll start at 100 baht. Yes, our hot fireman there."

"200!" A policeman bid.

"1000baht." A guy wearing a doctor's gown raising his hand.

"Show off!" His friend sitting beside him playfully yelled.

"It's Kit we talking about! The one who even makes a monster submit a document on time!" He look at Arthit before continue. "I need him on my team."

"Not if I win the bid first." The fireman replied from the next table raising his hand.

"1500 baht for the guy wearing... beggar costume?" The MC continue the auction ignoring the scene on the front table.

"What?" The rich beggar snapped. "It's my dream before." He shrugged adding more 'dirt look' makeup.

The company dinner this year choosing the theme 'Your childhood dream job'. Everyone wears clothes that portray their dream job. Most of them choose the normal white-collar work like a doctor, fireman, policeman, astronaut, NASA engineer and other similar for their costume except certain......expected people.

P'Bright has changed to his Joker costume complete with the infamous makeup. He tries to imitate the creepy Joker smiles and ends up cramping his mouth. Rome tends him right after P'Bright wins the auction. He yelled 10,000 baht even before the auction starts shocking everyone. He even threatened the MC with his creepy smiles if he refuses and no one-stop him?

P'Toota...I don't want to talk about him, but...maybe he's reading too many fairy tales? I think his shiny, mermaid tail will end up rip before the event finish. His tail now looks like a steam fishtail, without all the scales...and where he get that coconut bra?

Beam...He has changed to a Yakuza suit without an inner shirt to show his fake tattoo. He's showing off his katana to P'Arthit who wearing a P'Arthit costume. isn't katana for samurai?

I look around for Phana. He looks bored having to sit at the table with important people. He's wearing a simple doctor gown to this event. He must be dying to wear the Batman costume he bought last month just for this event. Poor him, his father, the CEO has important things to attend to and because of that, he has to behave like one.

I search for the client table. Wayo has changed to his pirate costume complete with an eyes patch. He looks like a child pirate wearing that big straw hat chatting with Forth who wearing...gym cloth.

Remind me not to ask for the reason.

I saw the empty sit on Wayo's right side. Strange, normally Ming will be there. He never misses the event involve me and other men. He was also not at the fake trial just now.

Shut up head! I'm not missing him.

If he around I think I will win the trial and avoid the punishment to be sold to the highest bidder for charity purposes. He has his way of not letting me sitting with unknown people.

No, I'm not depending on him! Stupid head!

I hope someone I know will win my auction. Ending with a stranger is the worst. I know they have certain rules to protect us.... still is scary to grant any request to a person we don't even know.

"5000 baht!" I heard Beam's voice. I text him to buy me or else. He owes me this time.

He winks at me giving me a satisfied smile.

"10,000baht!" That a lot of money!!!! The fireman once again raise his hand. I don't recognize him. He must be new or an IT guy. We never knew they exist in the office until someone spills their coffee on their computer and needed them.

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