36. Kettle

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A little warning, a small scary story on this, and the next 2 chapters.



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3rd POV

"Why am I here alone...again?!!!!"

Kit yelled inside his office room when the clock reached 10 at night. Frustrated with all paperwork he swears they keep duplicating themselves when he not looking.

"I know you like each other...but please...don't keep making a new child. Let me go home!" He glared at his stack of colourful files mumbling nonsense.

It's never a good day for a project engineer when a dateline for a certain timeline is nearly reached. The person who holds the position always end up the last to stay as they are the last reviewer before handing all engineering document to the client. Yes, the manager will be the last one to sign the document, but all the last reviews are under their responsibility. It's important to check even their formatting style. They always try to detect early mistakes to avoid bigger problems especially when it comes to an agreement with all the vendors.

Kit has cursed himself for agreeing to receive the report from his best friend a bit later than the due date he had set before - Just because someone promises him to treat lunch for a week at Korean Restaurant he loved the most.

He promises himself he will not fall for that trap set by that Casanova again - a promise he fails to keep since........ He sighed looking at the report he received earlier.

"That Jerk!" He blames Beam for knowing too much about himself. He can't resist every time he asks for a favour. Beam knows every single thing Kit love and he uses it to control Kit till he sometimes thought Beam likes him.

He sighed again before pulling his hair.

"Arghhhhhh!" Deep inside he knows it's never Beam's fault in the first place. The distraction of the wolf turns to a puppy that keeps playing in his head delay his work. His mind keeps repeating the scene where he lunches himself like the automatic ticket machine asking to insert a ticket whenever you near them.

"Why, why, why I do thatttttt!!!!" He yelled embarrassed with his own action slamming his cheek to the table.

When his brain starts to take over again, his eyes fixed to a bouquet of flowers he received today.

Yellow rose.

He stared at the flower beautifully blooming before chuckling lightly.

"Did he even know behind the meaning of yellow rose?"

"A symbolic of true friendship...Ming gonna freak out if he found out the meaning." He leans back to his chair laughing loudly imagining Ming's shocked face.

"Urghhh! now I can even imagine how he will react. What's wrong with me nowadays!"

You can't fall for him, stupid Kit! Do you want the same thing to happen again?

"I know. I know. Don't remind me. And here I thought you are on his side the whole time."

Only when the fun comes.

"You stupid head. Go away. When I'm back, I seriously will replace you with a zombie's brain!"


He shakes his head trying to gain the focus again. He starts opening the client standard and the company standard and double-checks the report.

The time is 11.PM when he stops to take a break. Unwrapping the Kitkat given by Ming before, he checks in the company software if a person is still in the building.

"Looks like everyone had gone home earlier today." He whined.

It's normal to have a few people left at this time when the dateline for the project phase is near but for today, everyone is getting out earlier.

He then checked his phone only to be faced with Ming's message whining about missing him and reminding him he can't speak to other men while he out on a business trip as Kit is still his boyfriend.

"Stupid Ming. 80% of people here is a man." He complains but a small smile forms later.

He stands up to sit on the guest chair with his back facing his office door, his habit when his desk is full of documents. It gives him space and concentration to do it fast. He continues again flipping the report and comparing it with the standard.

Time is 12 A.M. Kit is still in his world checking the report when he suddenly smells fragrant behind him lingering for a few seconds before it disperses. It is a fresh, sweet but strong fragrant like when you're meeting a person fresh in the morning.

Without a thought Kit just speaks while facing his computer a bit loud with the intention of teasing the person behind him.

"What a smell! Are you going on a date?" He said aloud without thinking.


No response from behind and Kit just continue his work without thinking much. He continues typing some corrections.

He yawns when he finally finishes checking the report and is about to close the computer when he suddenly remembers something.

He quickly starts opening the company software that was able for him to check the movement of personnel in the building anytime on that day. That software gives information on the time the person enters or out of any level of the building. It helps when you're always on the run chasing another person.

When what he saw on the monitor is the same as what he thought, his hand starts trembling.

He remembers he didn't hear any footsteps when he starts smelling those fragrant and he knows the company did not have an automatic fragrant on the building due to certain someone.

He pack his item in a rush when he heard a whistling sound coming from the pantry. It sounds like water boiling from the kettle in the pantry.

He froze.

To be continued...


I have my first interview after several years this coming Friday. I'm pretty nervous about meeting people after falling into a slump... but I need to get it together right? No one can help you other than yourself... they said.


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