27.0 Cactus 🌵

827 58 7

Arthit POV

Escape from Kong is the easiest. A bit of kissing here and there and he on cloud nine. That enough for distraction for our important meeting. I can't have him there. He will sulk like a baby when he sees me looking for someone else.

The problem comes from the self-proclaim lover.

Bright following Rome like there is no tomorrow and Ming...the worst.

Rumours said he hired a professional spy. The thought alone sent me a shiver. Imagine having someone watching you 24-7! Urgh! As sympathy I am with Kit, he needs to surrender quickly and tame that puppy manager! I hope Rome and Kit manage to distract the two idiots or we will face war. Huh!

Oh god. Why is so hard to do a simple fan meeting! My hand hurt from slamming hard on the table. Maybe we can meet Seer B. But that will cost me...hmmm...let save it as the last option.

Rubbing my hand, I pick up the item that falls from my table. While trying to reach the last pen fall further under my table, I saw Kit walking with a pile of the document in his hand.

He had his frown face and look rushing, the peak of Project Engineer. You have to chase for documents every day. How he handles all the excuses comes from human for delaying, I still wonder. Come to think of it, we never had a problem meeting the project dateline.

Hmm...maybe he has a hidden claw?

I rub my eyes when I saw a cactus with a red ribbon in one of its branches following Kit? When I look back, the cactus is there being a cactus. I sighed.

My stress increases this day and Cactus remind me of a break. I should apply for a holiday with Kong and ask him to use his magic hand to release my stress. No way HR gonna approve my holiday at these critical times. Let's call Agent B later instead of applying it the normal way. I wonder who's information he wants this time as an exchange?

I stand and put all the item back on the table. Staring at the cactus, I...where the hell is the cactus?!

Scanning the surrounding and no trace of the big green cactus with the weird hand. Come to think again, the cactus doesn't even have a pot.

Shit! This place is haunted!


Cactus and a Human

Cactus: Have you exchange it?

Human: Who do you think I am? I even have a license on this!

Cactus: Do you think he knows?

Human: I'm confident he doesn't even have a clue. We are talking about the most innocent person in this place.

Cactus: But he's too prickly. How many days left?

Human: Said the cactus himself. This will be the last.

Cactus: Good Job. If this plan successful, you'll get what you want.

Human: I'm expecting the best.

Cactus: He looks suspicious today. You sure he not having a hint about it?

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