20.0 Tricky monster

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"Ming, come here," Beam called the sulking guy. He was instructed by Kit to stay 5 meters from him after he knows the true culprit behind his 'kidnapping' incident.

The project engineer grumpy mood only change after Yo promises him he continue the marathon of his favourite drama in his private cinema. He's currently watching the Chief Kim drama.

Ming dragging his feet with his slump shoulder, lips pouting slowly to Beam.

"Yes, P'Beam?" He finally acknowledges the three crazy engineer gang are older than him.

"What your endearment for Kit?"

"Hmm? It's Kitkat." He bewildered by the sudden question but still answered it.

"Only that?"

Ming nodded before continue. "He doesn't allow me to call him Kitty, baby, wifey, my love and all of the others I've called him before." He pouted when he replied.

"Don't pout at me. It hideous."


"But he allowed you to call him Kitkat..."Beam smirked.

"Hmm...Yes?" He scratches his head not understanding the direction of the conversation.

"Come and watch this." Beam handed the earphone to Ming.

He pressed the button play button at the video on his cracked phone.

Beam's phone screen cracked this morning due to one specific kitten who accidentally stepped at his phone when he tried to stop Beam from laughing on his own expenses.

Human stepping won't do this damage. I know he put something inside his stocking.

Beam swear he saw a flashed of evil smiles on the kitten face even though Kit mouth repeatedly apologizing.

Ming focused on the video. His face brightens up. He shows his silly smiles the whole duration of the video, repeatedly followed every word from the video, memorising it.

Kit coming to the kitchen after he finishes an episode. He saw them talking while passing through and it didn't sit well with him.

Why do I feel they up to no good when they're together?

"P'Kit, quick! the next episode! He's so funny, I can't stop laughing." His ominous feeling was cut by Wayo who is now a fan of his current obsession drama, Chief Kim.

Pha went out after lunch. Wayo's father asks him to accompany him to play golf with his friends. He hates golf but still agreed. Little he know, Wayo father also hate it. He only brings the handsome Phana to distract his friends and changing their original plan. You know, a handsome man always attract a woman.

Ming then remembers something and pull out the earphone.

"But P'Beam, I've told you he won't allow me to call him other than Kitkat" Ming whines.

"Tsk tsk tsk. That where you are wrong Ming. You're calling him the word he doesn't like. Kitkat is not a word, it's food. That why he allowed you to use it." There, the sneaky guy blurts out his nonsense explanation to this vulnerable puppy.

"mm, mm, mm." Ming nodded repeatedly. His eyes sparkle believing everything Beam said.

Beam continues his explanation and adding few tips while Ming listening to him like a devoted student to his Master keep nodding and agreeing on Beam illegal cult's talk.

When he finished listening to Beam explanation, he glanced at Kit and grinning wildly. He then walks creepily to Kit with his new knowledge he just gained.

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