39. Pantry meeting

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Pantry office Bulidit Ltd.

Ghost?!!!!" Toota yelled.

"In our office?" Bright add.

"Look like Beam?!" Tul helping the sentence.

They all turn to Beam direction with a bunch of judgemental looks.

"Stop finishing each other sentence, idiot." Arthit smacking the duo slash with a newcomer with his blue file. "You're not on the scooby do team and why are you always here Tul? You not working on this floor." Arthit asked sitting beside Kong holding his pink milk.

"I'm a messenger for P'Kit but I saw everyone hurdling together like having a mission impossible meeting and it looks interesting." He smiles turning to Kit. "Hi P'Kit, boss wanna meet you before you go back today."

"That old man again. Can he just find someone else to download the K-drama for him?" Kit groaned at his old boss. "Tell him to prepare a new hard disk. He won't delete the old drama and ask me magically added a new one onto the full disk." He groaned frustrated.

"What? I'm handsome. Is obvious they gonna choose someone like me." Beam replies nonchalantly to the shock person who is just new to the story, slurping Kit's ice chocolate.

"Pfft." Both Toota and Arthit respond simultaneously.

"My other stomach starts to puke inside hearing that," Toota added rolling his eyes.

"I thought only cow has two stomachs?" Rome whispers quietly making Bright fall from the chair from laughing too hard.

"Where all of you when chaos happen this morning?" Knott questioned ignoring the infamous duo smacking incident in front of him. He added the oil by passing Toota a plastic mug.

"The worst traffic today. Apple launches a new product." Toota answered while pinning Bright on the floor agreed by Rome and Arthit.

"What chaos? ...Bright. did you do something again?" Arthit glared at the compressed person on the floor.

"Oh come on Arthit. I'm retired. We have a new person with the middle name of that." Bright reply after managing to escape.

"Retired your ass. Just yesterday you make all the cleaning lady go berserk."

"Not my fault they believed that spider has poison." He shrugged.

"You're looking too calm P'Beam. Aren't you afraid of the ghost?" Rome curious, ignoring all the incidents in front of him. He is more curious about yesterday event. A ghost, at the office? This is the nearest ghost incident that happened around him. He loves ghost stories, and this the best things that happen at the office... aside from Bright, of course.

"Afraid? of them? Huh!" He lifts his leg and places it on the stool Toota trying to sit on.

"Said the person who runs 24 staircases when he heard the word ghost," Prem stated.

"Isn't that why you walk like someone who finishes the full marathon?" Rome continues smoothly.

"High five Rome." Prem laughs trying to high five Rome but was stopped by Bright in the middle.

"J person." He murmured.

"Your other hand can help you." Bright smirked.

"Listen to the full story idiots. I....save.....Kit.... and also your salary. Be grateful." Beam was annoyed by the crowd statement. He was not afraid of the ghost, he was saving Kitty from the ghost. He nodded to himself.

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