29.0 The Prisoner

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I'm standing here with another bunch of other men wearing black and white stripe shirts in a straight line holding a card with numbers. The look on them telling me, they also in the same situation. If I know this would happen...

It's all their fault! My now ex-best friend!!

The guy wearing the black officer shirt with a colourful rectangle puzzle on his left chest yelling to us to line properly and stop making the "I regret face". This is all your own fault, accept it like a man, he said before complaining he got an extra hour because of us.

I don't have remorse feeling and I want to kick him, but I don't want an extra record. I look at Rome who standing beside me, instead of scared, he just smiles. He seems excited about this. His smiles won't help us in this situation. I sighed loudly.

I have instinct both of my  Ex best friends won't save me. They did warn me but I ignore them.

Serve me right.

Ming? I might have to kill myself first before asking for help from him.

The officer right... let be a man and face the trial.

After snapping our picture with a large height scale behind us as the background and yelling (I'm not short!) a few times, they bring us to the courtroom and ask us to sit opposite the prosecutor. He snickered watching me.

I'll get him later! Because of him, I'm here wearing this hideous blue coverall with a number on the left chest!

Yes! they ask us to change to this hideous prisoner suit! I should kill him the other day!

I jump through the table but before I reach him, the guard comes and dragged me back to my seat giving me a warning look.

They start the trial after the formal greeting. The judge's hair looks weird. The suppose white curly judge hair doesn't curl like normal...instead it longer and look soft? Do they perm it? Who chose this short and cute judge! Nobody will take this seriously!

The court hearing escalates with defense and accusation throw one in a time.

I heard yelling from the audience to punish us with severe punishment. I turn to look to memorize his face.

Damn you P'Toota! I make sure to jam the photostat machine next time.

When our lawyer who wears a yellow suit with a duck tie attacks the prosecutor saying he can't accuse us without evidence, P'Toota stands abruptly and yells bullshit. He gets dragged out by the hot guard that has 70% look of Tom Cruise for obstructing the court hearing.

I feel weird and turn once more to their direction and my instinct right. He looks happy than mad.

That prosecutor bastard smirked from the attack. He then brings out an A4 printing box and a bunch of gold CDs with a half-naked woman on the front cover which he claimed as CCTV footage presenting it to the short judge who ignores it and continues flipping a small picture book with a Japanese character on it.

Our lawyer slump to his seat when the judge accepts the evidence without giving a glance and asks to proceed. He's having this devastating look but at the same time showing his relief.


He smiles at Rome sitting beside me who looks like a ripe potato...I mean tomato.

Oi P'Bright! you suppose to defense us!

The audience whistles and clap happily when they saw the defeated look of P'Bright and stop when I glare at them. I still have power over them.

All of them are my colleagues. That stupid games end me and Rome and another ignorant colleague here because of the stupid rules they put at the stupid software agreement we need to stupidly install!

Mad, grumpy, cranky, cantankerous, irritable whatever you want to call me. I'm sure Ill turn cannibal in a few moments if this how the play!

Who the hell read the agreement? We only click 'I agreed' and next and next and next till it finishes installing!

They make a rule a devil can transform into an angel by doing some special task and if they are a success, they can pick anyone they think is an angel to replace their position.

How should I know!

Why pick me?! I'll hunt them after this event and make them suffer for things they never can imagine. I look at the audience and smile evilly. Your time will come...

I prepare my mental speech for the closing argument as our useless now-fired lawyer not being able to defend ourselves anymore and now stuck on sending love using his eyes to Rome.

Why we choose him in the first place?! Cause they only give us two choices, either him or P'Toota!

I need to look presentable and charm them with my soft skills. This is the time where you can show off the argument skill you've developed as a Project Engineer. Stealing P'Bright phone, I adjust myself a bit. They told us, we can skip the punishment if we win this fake trial.

They even bother decorating the stage with the court table and others.

Wasting money! Why cant they read the papers before signing?

The judge clears his throat sending the signal we nearly end. I sit straight waiting for him to ask for the defense party for the argument but instead of calling us, he read a...verdict?

Eh? Why skips the flow?

"Guilty!" He said seriously while knocking on the pink toy hammer.


The cheering and happy whistle loudly from the audience waking me up from the statue state. "Wayo!! You need to ask the Jury first!" I yelled at the cute judge.

I look at the Jury stand for sympathy but they are......drooling? I have a long list of people who live end after the event starting with the person who chooses the girls from HR as jury!

I'm furious! This is unfair for us. Totally scam! I walk toward the prosecutor and kick his shin.

"Ouch, Kitty! Why so violent?" He bends and rubbed his shin frowning at me.

"You stupid Beam! This is all your fault!"

"I did warn you. "He defends, stepping back a little and adjusting his prosecutor coat.

"You not warned me enough!" I never know they can swap the card. I did nothing because they said a person with an angel card no need to do anything.

You scam organizer!

Why their trick feels familiar? I'm not surprised if they said they have blood relations with Ming. Urgggghhh! I need to find and strangle him. I don't care if he not related at all.

"You should read the note carefully." He snickers.

He's right, but I don't want to admit it, so I kick his leg again and walk away.


to be continued...



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