9. Brendon

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Callie was just a joy to be around. She was so happy and positive. She took nothing for granted and appreciated everything.

After our shopping trip, I made a few phone calls to associations for deaf and hard of hearing people and asked about doorbell alerts and phone alerts, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, alarm clocks and something so Callie would know we were knocking on her door.

They were very helpful and said they could send someone the next day to come to the house and assess and discuss our needs and Callie's. We were able to schedule it for after our sign language class. Which then reminded me that school would be starting in September and we had to figure out the best choice for Callie in that respect. I decided we'd discuss it later.

Sarah told me she'd been in touch with an artist who was Deaf and that she wanted to see if she'd paint a mural in Callie's room. I thought that was brilliant, but thought maybe the two should meet so that Anna would get an idea of what Callie liked. Sarah agreed and was able to set up a visit to her at a gallery not too far from where we'd be taking our lesson. Since the class started at 11, we decided to meet Anna at 10. Callie was going to either have to sit in on our class or wait somewhere. Although after tonight she'll have met Zack and Kala and our other friends. Maybe they'd be willing to watch her? We'd have to see. Maybe Zack could pick her up from Anna's gallery.

After all our shopping and getting Callie's stuff in the wash, Callie went into the kitchen where Sarah was starting on dinner. Callie signed at her and Sarah looked like she was trying to figure out what she'd said. She must have because Callie's eyes lit up. Sarah texted at her and Callie grabbed a knife and started cutting potatoes. I smiled and indicated I was going into my studio for a bit.

Everyone was due to come over around six and it was already four. I wanted to check a few things on my work email and I needed to talk to my public relations people.

I picked up the phone and called the PR rep I spoke to most often.

"Hey Brendon," he said, answering on the first ring.

"Don't you ever take a holiday? A weekend?"

"Don't you?" he laughed.

"Touché," I said.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Well, remember I told you Sarah and I were looking to adopt?"

"I do. Did you?"

"We did."

"Congratulations! So? Boy? Girl? Age? Will they be joining you on tour? Can they sing?"

"Thank you. Her name is Callie and she's 12. I don't know if she can sing and tour, probably. But there's something you should know. Because it's important and I don't want it spun the wrong way," I said.

"Uh oh. What's wrong?"

"Nothing. She's a healthy kid, beautiful, really. But she's deaf."

"That's funny. The singer adopted a kid who can't hear music. Hilarious," the rep said.

"It's not a joke. Callie is Deaf. We're starting sign language classes tomorrow, Sarah and I."

"You're not kidding?"

"Nope. You'll meet her probably this winter on tour. She's a great kid. Very patient," I said.

"You adopted a deaf kid. Are you insane?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked getting angry.

"Paparazzi are going to be all over this, Brendon. It's going to play out as a pity adoption to make yourself look good."

"That's why I called my favourite PR rep so he could spin it the right way," I said. "Unless I need to find a new rep who can tell the truth. We fell in love with her at the children's home."

"Okay, okay, I got it. I'll send you copy before anything goes out. Tell her I say hi."

"Okay," I said, and hung up. I hadn't thought about that angle. That people might think we adopted Callie for publicity. I was going to have to go warn her now.

I went into the house and Callie and Sarah were tearing up lettuce and cutting veggies for a salad. I got Callie's attention and started typing.

'There's something important I need to talk to you about.

I have to put out a press release soon about adopting you. People are going to want to know about you.'

Callie read and nodded.

'The problem is, because paparazzi follow us around sometimes, and because people will tell stories to fit what they want to believe, some might start saying we only adopted you as a publicity stunt. That we only adopted you because you're deaf. And that is so far from the truth. Sarah, Mom and I love you very much and we adopted you because we want you. There will be publicity because that's the nature of the business, but I promise you, you are NOT a publicity stunt. So if you see any articles or anything saying you are, please know they're wrong. We really, really love you.'

Callie looked up at me and rolled her eyes, then started typing.

'Does this mean people are going to want to talk to me, too?'

'Maybe,' I said.

'Good thing I have a good excuse for ignoring them,' she typed back. I looked up and the impish grin on her face said it all. I hugged her because I just couldn't resist.

Just then the doorbell rang.

"Must be Zack," I said to Sarah and texted to Callie. I went to open the door and Zack and Kala came in.

"So?" Zack said. "Where's this kid you were telling me about? That's what this is, right? You guys adopted?"

"We did, she's in the kitchen with Sarah, but Zack, wait a minute," I said as he went into the kitchen. Kala stood back and waited.

"What's up, B?" She asked. "She's okay, isn't she?"

"She's fine. Just, well, Zack is in for a surprise. Callie is Deaf. She's probably going to be a little freaked out by Zack."

We went into the kitchen as Zack was attempting to introduce himself to a preteen that couldn't hear him.

"Hey kiddo!" I heard Zack practically bellow. "I'm your uncle Zack! Giver here!"

I looked into the kitchen and saw Callie staring at Zack in confusion.

Kala and I burst into fits of laughter as Zack tried to figure out why Callie was covering her ears and shaking her head.

"What?" Zack said, turning around. I started texting Callie and explaining who Zack was.

"What's up with her. I wasn't that loud, was I?"

"You could have screamed at Callie and it wouldn't have made a difference. Callie is Deaf Zack. She can't hear you." I explained.

"Ohhhhh!" He said. Then he waved at Callie and took out his phone and started a note.

'Hi Callie. I'm your Uncle Zack. Your dad's security guy.'

Callie looked at me with question on her face as my text came through. She read it and understood. She smiled and nodded and showed us the sign for 'Uncle' and then I guess spelled Zack.

Better Off Alone (Adopted by Brendon and Sarah Urie)Where stories live. Discover now