Unyielding Love

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To be free of the chains is fresh

As I achieve to express.

It is my current goal to keep

I don't mean to be so deep.

Seeing loved personified before my very eyes

Leaves me with hope that I can arise.

A strong family to hold me up

Keeps me from going corrupt.

Leaving all of myself on the line

Is my grand design.

Not a worry of reputation

More of a mental evaluation.

So many who stand behind

To help keep me refined.

I thank you to all who do

As you keep me true!

Inside the Mind: Okay I don't talk about this very much. My sisters wedding was very bitter sweet moment for me. I was a month removed from a breakup. I was very much in the mindset on that day and the next two and a half years really that I wasn't meant for love. That I was just too friendly and no one could ever truly love me. Sure maybe infatuated with me but never fully love me. I am too bland, too boring, too cliché, just not enough for any aspect. On the other hand of this coin was pure happiness for my sister. I was sad for me, happy for her. I was recorder boy. My actual role in the wedding no joke. I was considered a part of the "Party" whatever that really means without actually having a role in said "Party". I am her only sibling so I had to dress up in the same clothes they did. I saw through what my mom was doing though and wanted no part of it. So anytime they asked for the whole "party" up for pictures I did not staying in the back out of sight. I didn't deserve to be in those pictures. I had no business being in them because my role honestly wasn't important enough. I still stand to that this day despite the fact this is the only time I ever admitted that publicly. I shouldn't have been in the groomsmen pictures either but I couldn't escape that one because my mom had already caught on. Either way the poem is basically saying my goal is to be free of my chains. Seeing my sister and brother in law as well as my parents gives me hope. That maybe one day I can have that to. Despite the fact it has taken me longer than any of them. Then we go into how I almost don't care how I act because I just want to be me free. I have never cared fully about my reputation this is more so for my own mind. My own sake. In the end I know my family and true friends will always be there for me to keep me true to who I am. 

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