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I'm scared of my mind
Because it's so hard to unwind.

I'm trying to stay sane
But I'm just so drained!!!!

I'm trying to find a way to cope
Clinging on to the rest of my hope.

In the meantime I've been catching them all
In Between though I always hit this wall.

I'm missing something inside of me,
I should just go gather more legendary Rupees.

I want to express this lost feeling 
So I can get back to my healing!

It is just so hard not to feel drowned
I'm at the bottom and I can't get off the ground.

I can't help but feel that all I'm doing is dragging along down in my descent again!!

I can't help but feel that with all this hope I may just be able to find a way to ascend again!!

Inside the Mind: The second poem after high school and I'm already back with my signature. This one embarrassingly was written in November of 2019. That's right from early 2016 to late 2019 I didn't write a single poem. Maybe thought of a couple but never write them down. I know for shame on me. Either way in November I was pretty depressed. Well I had probably felt that way for a couple months. I just felt creatively shackled. I couldn't record, didn't know what to write, and one midnight shift my mind started working. I finished this poem the next midnight shift I had. I made reference to Zelda for the brief moment because I was playing Breath of the Wild. I also made a reference to Pokémon because I was doing a marathon of almost all the games I had. I played through 4 completely and had just started one. Then Sword officially came out and I got it immediately. Pokémon really got me through just like Fire Emblem Three Houses had got me through my spell in June through September. I no longer feel creatively shackled now so at least that is a plus. 

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