Illusive Memory

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Is any of this for real?

The light diminishes to darkness
As memories fade fast away!

Spanning the Scattering dreams
Trying to catch the far off memory.

As you get closer to the light 
The greater your shadow becomes!

To be stuck in everlasting darkness
In a world that never was.

To find the Kingdom Key is where all hope lies.

A testing trial yet to come
Full of nobodies never meant to be
And heartless creatures succumbing to darkness.

If you believe in the light
The darkness will never defeat you!

A true strength of heart
Through the hardest of trials
To never stop trying or giving up.  

Lost in a forgotten oblivion
Remembering to cast away fear
With oaths to keep on friendships. 

I've been having these weird dreams lately
Like is any of this for real or not?

Inside the Mind: Just like with Insanity this one is another Love Letter. This time for Kingdom Hearts. Unlike the other one this one was for Creative Writing class. One of my friends told me not to because it isn't as original basing a poem off an existing property. Well as you can see I ignored him and did it anyway. Which I stand by because I really like this poem. Not more than Insanity but I still really like it. I even repurposed Hollow and Filling Spaces for the assignment which is the versions you see and not the OG versions. This was just so fun to write and I hope it shows.

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