Rambling Mad Man

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I am nothing but a mad man rambling

Whose thoughts are always trembling.

I always speak my words when allowed

Because for so long my words have been drowned out by the crowd.

Even now I don't think my words are truly heard

Unless they leave a laugh because it's preferred.

So I'll sit quietly in the crowd observing their truth

Like I always have since my youth.

I'll keep my rambles in my head and tied to my fingers

This is my way of hoping nothing lingers.

Of course nothing is ever so simple

As my mind is too nimble.

So I'll endlessly ramble to the dead

Because my thoughts are so spread.

I know the crowd won't care

I mean there is nothing interesting for me to share.

My heart and soul bring nothing new to the table

Or so I tell myself anyway as if I'm a fable.

Holding all the pain and sadness within because the world is already so sick

I'm not gonna burden it further like an annoying tick!

Don't be fooled by my rambles as they aren't all about struggles

Sometimes I need to get out my hopes by putting them into bubbles.

That way they pop so no one can hear my desires

As I quickly lock them back up in my files.

Almost as if I'm afraid to let others in on what or who could make me happy

Because I could go on and on about the one my mind can't drop

Yet I find keeping it all confined in my rambles lost in the wind to be more classy.

After All this is just the rambling of a mad man

Losing every word to the wind before I can even really begin.

Inside the Mind: So this is uh almost a sequel to my therapy of sorts. The more whacky side of it I guess you could say. This is how my rambles make me feel in the long run. Like a mad man with no real voice. Everything in here is a lot of retread to be honest except for one point which I haven't really ever brought up. I obviously go over how I don't want to be a burden and then of course more of the my crush stuff but The main focus is my drowned out voice. Always being talked over or being asked to repeat myself. My rambles allow me to finally speak my mind without being talked over. I feel most people don't care what I say unless its humorous. Hints why I was so comfortably able to make it my mask. Either way I'll keep my rambles tied to my solo walks in the cemetery and to the keyboard where people hardly engage with anyway. 

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