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I've been thinking of a paradise,
Where I'm always smiling.
Where I'm always happy. 
Where love begins and hate ends.
Where my depression can never touch me.
Where all my problems cease to exist anymore.
Where I'm always the best I can be.
Where mistakes can't mess me up.
Where nothing can knock me down.
Where I'm always happy!
Most importantly though ,
Where I am always 
Always near her
The love of my life!

Inside the Mind: Okay so maybe I had more positive poems in my freshman year than I remember. This was probably written around the time I kept going back to a dear friend for mental help. Just had a break up with the toxic relationship from 8th grade at the beginning of 9th grade. You know it was hard for my mind to come to grips with. I couldn't let the relationship go because I was so hell bent on proving I could keep something going. Little did I know then you can't keep everything going especially when it has reached the end. You tried your best but the time had reached its course. So you need to brush yourself off and move on. Anyway so I would confide my thoughts and feelings with my dear friend. They helped me get through this really hard time and made may stay positive. Well as positive as 15 year old depressed kid could get. Now a days that dear friend is one of the most inspiring and amazing people in the world. They transitioned from female to male and I couldn't be more proud of them for being themselves. So I don't say this often enough because it has always been super hard for me to express myself normally. Sincerely, thank you for everything Reece Vaughn you were and still are my hero!

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