Never Ending Highway

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Life on a never ending highway is like never completing,
never finishing what you set out to do. 

It's like never finding love in life and never having to care or 
worrying about what others think of you.  

Just you, your thoughts, and your shadow traveling behind you.

Loneliness is something nobody should endure in life forever.

Nobody to comfort you, to care for you, to make you happy, sad, 
embarrassed, awkward, and to love you. 

So make an end to this never ending highway by finding somebody to help 
Get you get over this obstacle in life. 

Make something of it instead of wasting away into emptiness. 

Inside the Mind: We are not and I repeat still not out of my 14 year old brain yet. For some odd reason this was an early favorite of my family's. My mom liked this and both of my grandparents that also wrote poetry seemed to enjoy this a lot. To me I always thought it was my weakest and even the theme was the most positiveish I wrote in this time. Maybe the theme is why they liked it best because it gave them hope. Hope that I would beat my depression in that time. Long answer made short is its complicated xD. Either way not one of my favorites that I have written but then again I was 14 and had only just started writing poetry for fun. 

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