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I'm just a mere thought in your imagination to run wild with.

I can do and say whatever your mind comes up with
Because the words I say are my legacy.

The way I move makes me a legend.

You can try and stop me only to be stopped 
For you can not stop the unstoppable. 

I'm a force to be recognized and not to be taken lightly.

For your imagination has come true because I am right here beside you. 

I was never just in your thoughts for my legacy and legends have made me a dynasty!

Inside the Mind: Okay so out of all my poems this is the most confident I've seemed. This is the most brash and arrogant I've seemed. To me this poem is very cringy now to read. Even as I read it now before writing my madness about it I cringe. This was written when I would show my mom every poem I wrote as soon as I was finished with it. I was so excited to show her and thought it was my best work ever. Now I looked back on it one of if not my weakest poem that I'm still willing to share. Honestly I wish I could have maybe tried to stay in my humble zone because this was a big risk for me. By risk I mean going way out of my actual comfort zone.

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