Where the Bend Ends

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Days go by like a blur
With no motivation to Stir me.

I can't be responsible for my actions
Because my daunting lifestyle is uncontrollably haunting.

I may be nothing but a shadow lost...
With no sight, no voice, but that's just the cost.

I may be nothing but an Angel lost...
With no guidance, no morality, but that's just the cost.

All my roads lead to one destination,
So I spend my days practicing procrastination.

Because when I'm by myself, I feel like I'm in hell,
So I only have one thing to tell.

That no matter how many times I come to a bend in the road,
It will always be my end!

Inside the Mind: Okay so like with the last one this was also written while in 8th grade. My 14 year old mind was at it again but with a different theme. Instead of being invisible now I'm unmotivated. This also bucked what would be my trend but they all can't end with hope now can they. Either way I do really like this one even now a days. I always feel sometimes poetry can be either beautiful, inspiring, and also cringy. I think this one holds up nicely in my eyes. Definitely not as cringy to look back on for me as some others are. 

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