My Queens Flower

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She is my one and only Queen
The strongest one to ever rule.

Her beauty is unparalleled as none can even begin to match
Just as nothing is more radiant nor could anyone be.

She is my angel who has come to save and care for me.
The one I will do all I can to protect and care with all I have.

For my love goes beyond all thoughts and even beyond all the unimagined.
It is as limitless as her beauty and radiance stretching forever on!

She is my precious flower holding our poppies and Jasmines.
Ruling our perfect little kingdom raising our flowers blooming into perfection.

Even after all this time my Queen's beauty never ceases
to amaze me nor our precious little flowers.

My perfect little family!

Inside the Mind: Okay so this poem is the first one I wrote post high school. To be honest almost a whole year after it. Maybe in February or March hard to remember to be honest. I was reading Amazing World and thinking that I haven't really written a love poem since it. So I really wanted to take a stab at a love poem again. Despite the fact I had been single for over half a year. So where is a guy to get a jump start on inspiration for love when he's deep into being single with no one in mind to go after. Well Amino is the answer to that. Lots of romance blossoming on that site back in the day in the roleplays. My character Odd got into a romance angle with another character named Charlotta. A Gryffindor with a Slytherin how mysterious. All these things helped inspire me to write this as a single man xD. Overall I don't think it's that bad of a poem especially since I gave it a very flowery theme. Oddlotta Will never be forgotten because to me it was Iconic. Best fictional relationship I ever had with many twisting and turning arcs. Also plenty of sweet and funny moments.  

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