Soul Bound

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Light on soul bound
Soul bound in another direction.

From this light it parishes
For it will grow darker and darker.

Darkness surrounds the corner of the soul
Taking it without a warning.

So just give in
The darkness consumes all
You are powerless to fight back.

So just give in 
The darkness conquers all
You are a worthless soul in existence.

So just give in
The darkness takes all you know
You are nothing unless you have someone. 

Inside the Mind: Okay so I think this is the finale of 14 year old me or at least of the ones I wrote in 8th grade. Not in any order mind you. This poem though is the one that made me realize my signature. It was with this one that I was like "huh, I sure do this a lot." That being start sad and end on hope. Except this time hope doesn't show until the final sentence. Either way I do think this was my best poem from my 8th grade era. Also all of them except Red were written at home in my room or living room. Now we can finally leave my 8th grade mindset behind for a fresh one. I somehow don't see a drastic tone change though. It's also hard for me to believe that these poems are over ten years old now. Wow I am starting to feel old.

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