Chapter 24

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The Story of the patriotic Tortoise
Told by Y/n and Felix

Y/n:  Far away in a luscious meadow lived a small village.  It was filled with a kinds of animals.

Felix:  Monkeys,  Sweet Spiders,  Iguanas, Blue Jays.

Y/n:  Mice and the grumpy Mr. Tortoise.

Felix:  What?! Not Mr. Tortoise, he's mean!

Y/n:  ahahah,  don't judge him just yet Felix.  There is more to Mr. Tortoise than what people see.   It was during the time of the Revolutionary War,  families had to send their daddy's and sons that were old enough to fight for their country.

Felix:  It was a sad time for many,  including this small village.  Everyone was doing their part.

Y/n:  Yes they were.    The war started because people didn't like the way that the King of England was ruling.  The King was mean, so it made sense to the American people to fight for liberties.

Felix:  What are liberties?

Y/n:   Liberties are privileges,  like the privilege to go to school,  have cookies, drive a car, and a favorite among many, electronics.   Have those taken away and you'd be miserable, right?  But what was taken from the Americans was more important the a simple game console or computer.  People were being sold as slaves, people couldn't write books, or even learn to read.

Felix:   I would die if I couldn't read my books!

Y/n:   Mhmm, to the citizens of this small town, well let's call it Green Hills Meadow.  For the citizens of Green Hills Meadow this was bad, they love books.

Felix:   They decided to work for their freedom!  Some in the town didn't even care,  they sided with the King.

Y/n:   Mr Tortoise wasn't on a side, he wanted to be left alone to live peacefully.

Felix:   Him and his books.

Y/n:   Yes, him and his books.   As Mr. Tortoise was reading one of his favorite books a ruckus could be heard all over town.  So he left his comgy cozy home to see what as interrupting his peace and quiet.
The town was fighting for what they believe, again each other.

Felix:  "Enough!"  Mr. Tortoise exclaimed,  he was furious.  He may seem mean and grumpy,  but he still had a place in his hear for his country and the town he lived it.
He stopped the fight and spoke words that no one thought they'd hear from him.

Y/n:  Where has your civility gone?  Has this separation drawn us so far apart?  It does not matter if you are loyal to the King or your country,  do not let this fight ruin friendship you've made.  Let this be a lesson to you, Patriots and Loyalists,  Do not let this quarrel choose for you who you keep close or turn away.

Felix:  From that day forward the town forgot their disagreements on the Revolutionary War and live in Harmony once again.

Felix and Y/n:  The End


I made this up, I'm not sure if it's an actual story

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