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I am really sorry but I don't know I am feeling so emotionless for the past few months I don't know why the last chapter I wrote I was not even satisfied with it it had no emotional feelings I think it was like to the point thing no emotional strings but I am just emotionless maybe  I want some emotional attachment maybe or I don't know I want someone to talk to but I have got no friends who can understand this situation my friends thinks I am going crazy but all I know is nothing effects me these days because I have no purpose in life I might have to love to another country and this scares me alot I just completed my studies and now I have to move and learn things there like I don't know what to do because I can't start a job either because I will move next month maybe or maybe month after that I am not sure of that but I am depressed maybe but overall I am not okay because I don't feel emotions if someone says they love me I laugh it off.
Bear with me I wants to continue my book but I can't when I can't even feel anything how can I continue a book
Maybe suggest me some book any type of book it could be werewolf,vampire,billionaire,Mafia,King,anything please but do suggest me and it should be completed already please

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