Twelve. karma

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There's a saying that goes 'what goes around comes around', a saying many people aren't aware of or, they simply believe they're unreachable. But nobody can stop their karma from reaching them, not even the higher ups. Whether it's in a couple days, months, or even years, karma always comes back and bites you in the ass. Amaya took her time, waiting for the right moment, and took the chance that was given to her. Whether that was karma or not, she didn't care. She didn't care about the consequences, she didn't care what people may think of her, she wasn't someone to mess with and she made that perfectly clear.

However, that didn't stop people from talking. Stephanie was furious, not only did Amaya cause a fight (that she just so happened to jump in) but she blew up Mina's car. She felt as though Amaya had taken it too far, maybe her best friend was changing because of her new lifestyle, maybe it was the tall Arellano she was messing around with, or maybe she just didn't really know her at all. She had found out about everything, from Luna being involved to the blown up car that was caused by her two best friends. But she wasn't furious about that—no, she was mad at how careless they were. Who knew, they could have gotten hurt, innocent pedestrians could have gotten hurt, but luck was on their side that night. But they wouldn't always have that luck and that scared Stephanie the most.

Many people were impressed, they didn't know the Santana Carrillo girl had it in her. Luna and Ramón were amongst those people. Luna was more impressed that their plan had actually worked. It was a quick plan that only took about 20 minutes. Ramón didn't know Amaya had it in her, never seen her in a physical fight, never seen her act out of character, but god—did it turn him on. He would never admit to it and would probably take that to the grave but he was proud of her.

"I hope you're finishing up, we have to go now." Catherine yelled from downstairs. Catherine had found out about her daughter's actions and she was furious. After the car accident, Mina's mom had personally called Catherine for a meeting, detailing the damage Amaya caused and how they were willing to negotiate.

"You know, they're only doing this because they know we have money." Amaya called out, walking down the stairs. She didn't give her mom much detail on what happened or why she did it. Catherine wouldn't have cared either way, Amaya knew her mother was more mad at the fact that she had to take time out of her day to visit those people.

"I don't care. The quicker we leave, the quicker we can end this shit once and for all." Catherine snapped, walking out of the house. Amaya rolled her eyes and followed her mother out of the house.


"Me alegro de que puedan venir." Mina's mom spoke, clearly not pleased with their presence. "Por favor tome asiento."

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