teacher and training partner

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The small wispy fox ran up to the beautiful doors of goodsky's office yet, strangely it simply phased through the door. Peculiar. Opening the door I expected to see goodsky and perhaps another old person to teach me, strangely a young elf maybe two or three years older than myself. She had long black hair that she wore in half up half down, her eyes were incredibly endearing. The edges were a deep dark blue and faded to a light icy blue.

Half limping forward I finally spoke "Hello, is director Goodsky here?"

The same feeling of danger prompted me to raise my sword-crutch to stop a white scythe from cleaving my arm off. I felt myself skid back, halting just in front of the door. I didn't get even a second to figure out what was going on as the feeling reappeared warning me from the other side. Quickly moving the sword to block the scythe I was able to hold my ground this time, locking eyes with the elven girl.

As she stared back at me she furrowed her brows. "They said you'd be able to rival my speed, but so far you've been somewhat slow."

"I am injured y'know!" pushing back I tried to rip the cloth that tied the sheath and blade together but the feeling of danger persisted this time right in front of me. Having enough with this stupid sword I just chucked it at where she would be next, instead I opted to create kanshou and bakuya.

"Huh?!" her magic was amazing not a single book or any furniture was blown around at all. I watched as she bounced the sword away just in the nick of time. quickly dashing after her, I went for a few quick slashs, using wind help increase my speed.

It was incredible watching the lighting arc between her and the white and silver scythe, watching an elf using a less effective version of thunderclap impulse wasn't on my list of to do's.

She swiftly spun her scythe, knocking away my strikes. Finally with a downward swing from both blades we ended up locked. Seeing this as a chance, I tried to sweep her feet. Before I could follow through with the motion a large gust of wind sent both of us away from each other.

Rolling across the ground I stopped just shy of the wall. "Ok what the hell is going on?"

Looking up I saw goodsky and another elf but she was older although probably not as old as virion. Goodsky was the first to speak. "Just a simple test is all."

"A test my ass! If I was any slower she woulda took my head off!" I yelled as I pointed my blade at the dark haired elf. "Who ar-"

The older elf cut me off as Goodsky and her touched the ground. "If you were any slower you wouldn't deserve to be my student now would you?"

"Director, did you tell them about my elemental attributes?"

"I thought it would be rude to tell your secrets without permission but I highly suggest you inform them if you approve of her as you master."

Unclipping my bracelet I decided if the girl was anything to go by this old woman was an incredible teacher. "If Goodsky is willing to give up her 'quadra elemental protege' as she called me then I find you suitable to be my master."

As electricity sparked around me I slowly activated my enhanced version of thunderclap impulse. "This is what I'm actually capable of right now." For the first time I had made the young elf dodge instead of block by sending a stab at her head.

Almost as if she had never had to dodge something she seemed confused by what happened. Leaping back I dodged a wind bullet that came at me. "I would prefer you to not attack the cousin of a lance. You may make unwanted enemies." the older elf said with very little emotion if any.

"Now then if we all can settle down I'll introduce everyone and explain the arrangements." Goodsky spoke as she sat down on one of the couches opposite from me.

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