almost over

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We rose quickly from the ground as I looked around to see a pristine room decorated in an old japanese type style. Shirou slowly walked over to the closet and started to pack stuff as me, Alrice, and Serena stayed back.

None of us really spoke knowing that it must be hard since he's still a kid inside. Honestly I think he's more mature than me, even if that's because he has my memories.

Watching closely I saw a picture of a woman laying on his dresser. Walking over I nearly gagged when I recognized her. I guess he noticed, which made it harder.

He walked over and held the picture "this was my aunt, well step aunt. Light, she was my mothers twin." I knew it, she had that same artifact.

"I see, she's a very beautiful woman." I mumbled as I stepped away. I didn't need to deal with that just yet. I sat on his bed as he finished packing. Once he had he opened the door and called out for his parents.

After a few seconds they both came running, I swear his mother nearly fainted. She looked just like Light did except dressed in a white dress. His father looked eerily similar to him. His black eyes seemed hollow like no life filled them. The stubble on his face made him look like some kind of cop, and the black spiky hair made him look like Shirou's actual dad.

"Mother, father, I'll be going away for a while. Probably a year or a little bit more, I'll be training with these people. They're gods or asura but we normally call them gods..." Shirou said slowly letting his family take in the information.

His mother sat there confused for a moment and just stared at the two asura. then glanced at me. "I'm not an asura. Just a kid." I cleared as his father sighed and placed his hand on Shirou's shoulder.

"Be safe, I'll be waiting for you to come back home safe." his gruff voice seemed to echo as I heard Shirou sniffle.

"W-wait you can't be serious Kiri... h-he'll be in so much danger..." his mother finally said as she looked at the two.

"He's an adult now, we can't stop him if he wants to go." he stepped back and nodded to shirou. His mother fell to her knee and held his hands. Tears brimmed her eyes as she looked at him.

"Please... please come home safe and sound... I can't lose you either..." she was holding it together well. He nodded and I could hear them both trying not to cry.

It must've been a solid few minutes before they all hugged and Shirou looked back. "Alright I'm ready to go."

I stood up and placed my hand on his shoulder. "Sorry to drag you into my problems even more shirou." I mumbled as I felt darkness wash over all of us.


Appearing at the same entrance as I did the first time we came here I saw Ajax, Gother, Acreil, and Terse standing there waiting.

"Took you long enough... Come on, the new brat will train with me, Acreil, Gother, Serena, and Alrice." Terse said as she started toward us. "Old brat, you'll be with Ajax, Darcel, Genesis, and Broly. The new brat will join you in two months. For now we'll train him in Gother's reality marble until then." she yanked Shirou to follow her as everyone but Ajax left with them.

"Come on lesseran." he started walking toward the gate so I followed close behind. As we reached teh gate he threw me a small bracelet.

"Put it on, we need to be careful. My facility isn't in vile thorn so you might run into a few mana beast on the way. I'll dispatch them swiftly but it's best your presence is hidden as well." he opened the gate ushering me outside of it before closing it.

brother's retry (the beginning after the end)Where stories live. Discover now