Chapter 23: Dream

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" Help me! Please! Somebody help me!" You shouted, but no one answered your calls, you have blood on your hands and a bruise on your body. Wearing very dirty clothes running in the woods by yourself.

You frown, wiggling in your bed uncomfortably, dragging the sheet harshly as you groan before opening your eyes and almost out of breath. Breathing heavily holding your hand to your chest.

"That dream again? ,Its been a long time I've dream about it" you quickly get out of the bed going to your dressing,  pulling out a small pocket notebook and start writing on it. You had this notebook to write details about your dream since in a few minutes it will starting to get blurry until you cant remember other details.

" Who is that guy, reaching out his hand before I fall?" You frown biting at the top of the pen in curiously . Until you realize the time and started to get back to sleep once again..

"You ok sis?" Namjoon said, looking at you and between the tv when he heard you yawn. You nodded dropping the spoon on the side of the plate standing up.

"Didn't get lots of sleep last night" you said stretching a little.  He nodded and get back watching the news about mafia's doing bad stuffs once again. Namjoon raise an eyebrow seeing familiar figures he always knew even if its shadow. JUNGKOOK? his attention got bothered when your face become in sight.
You lean down to level his eyes seeing his eyebrows being furrowed and his jaw becoming tense.

"Oppa, why so serious? Your just watching the news" you said making namjoon chuckle awkwardly.

" Of course, this types of news need to be serious. There's a lot of bad guys out there like them so you should be careful y/n" he said before he continues to eat his food.

* Hmm, really but i always thinks mafia's are cool . Imagine if your one right?" You said making Namjoon cough at his food. You quickly hand him a glass of water frowning as you take a sit.

" You two should go now the time is ticking, don't be late at school" your dad said putting down the news paper and looking between you  and Namjoon. You quickly ran upstairs getting that hairpin you got from Jungkook the other day and putting it on your hair, smiling as you look in the mirror.
" Namjoon , take care and your sister. Don't let her do crazy things with jimin once again" your dad said, seeing you walk down the stairs . You roll your eyes listening.

" Dad I'm not a kid anymore, besides Jimin is not my level" you said flipping your hair. Your mom came to kiss on your cheeks making you giggle a little.

"Still your our baby, so take care and don't be late to get home. Atleast call your brother ok? " She said and you nodded kissing her cheeks before bowing to your father as well as namjoon before heading out together.


Namjoon was thinking if he see's it wrong, why would Jungkook be in the other's gang fight? " Did I see it wrong?" He sigh looking at you tapping at your phone.
"What a you doing?" He ask, you frown looking at your phone.

"I'm wondering if I can get this sneakers by this month, I badly want a new one but dad told me he will cut off my allowance so I don't buy a lot of stuffs" you said he chuckle patting your head.

"Lets get it later sis, come on walk fast" your face lift up at his words, you know namjoon will always save you especially from your dad.

"I love you! " You said jumping on his back, Namjoon laughed at your cuteness when he met eyes with Jungkook who's wearing his headphone .

" Hey kook" he said and Jungkook wave smiling a little before his eyes landed on you

"Hi Y/n , you look happy today" he ask, pulling his earphones down, you nodded and hug Namjoons side.

" Oppa will be getting me a new shoes" you said and he nodded., You reach for his arms wrapping with yours when he wince losing your hold.
"Are you ok, What's wrong?" You ask concerned echoes your voice

"I exercise yesterday, just a little sore" he said smiling.

",Oh, sorry Jungkook" you said and he nodded waving goodbye saying he needs some books. Namjoons eyes stick to jungkook until he disappeared on his sight, his eyes widen in surprise when you sigh and said.

" Did you see the bandage on his arms?" You said " what his been doing this days?", You said shaking your head.

" You saw that?" Namjoon ask and you nodded  " i felt it too"" you added walking towards the stairs and he follows you.

" Maybe his doing something , you know him he don't open up a lot" he said

"Yeah sure, just worried about it " you said before waving goodbye to him. Namjoon arrived at the room seeing Yoongi with his phone he sigh putting his things on the desk before pulling out his phone and watch the footage once again.

"Whats wrong?" Yoongi ask still not looking at him.

" Just confused" he said, Yoongi look up seeing the phone on his hand.
"Hyung who do you think this is?" Namjoon said pointing at the man fighting. Yoongi squeezing his eyes frowning.

"Is that Jungkook?" He said making namjoon sigh.

"Right? But this was a footage of the gang where Jisoo is. See its Jisoo wearing that blue mask, then Lisa with Red and Jennie White then Rose with Pink, but the guy with them wearing looks like Jungkook" he said, Yoongi bite his lips looking at the footage over and over again .

"But- why would jungkook be there? " Yoongi ask making namjoon raise an eyebrow.

" Did you see him yesterday? He said he was working out" Namjoon ask then Yoongi pouted trying to remember .

"His not in the mansion actually, I was checking the CCTV for upgrade and I don't see anyone inside the gym" he said , Namjoon has a hunch and Yoongi understand it.

" What if- let's keep this first, I don't want to rush things" he said and Yoongi nodded.

" I'll keep an eye on him" he said . Y/n keep on Looking on Jungkook but he never take a glance on her even once, she started to felt uneasy but decided to keep her distance giving him space.

Sorry- this book is currently on hold i will be back after finishing my studies. Thankyou

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