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Your P.O.V.

"I miss you..."

I awed while seeing Kazuha on my phone. We were video chatting and it has only been a day since she went away.

"You know, it feels kind of weird not having you around. Even Chae--"

I immediately shut my mouth once I realized that I was already talking about her. Kazuha's attention seemed to turn back to me when she snapped her head to look at the camera.


"Nothing. I mean, even Eunchae and Garam misses you too." I smiled sheepishly.


"Anyway, how are things going over there?" I asked, changing the topic.

"First thing I did after arriving was visiting my parents. Of course, they were very busy at work."

"Hmm. Have you settled down?"

"Yeah. I'm kind of on the way to go somewhere right now."

"Where to? Isn't it like, 1 in the afternoon? Did you have lunch already?" I asked.

"Not yet. I'm on the way to have lunch with someone though."

"Someone? Are your parents eating with you?"

For a few seconds, she didn't reply and just looked somewhere else. I thought that maybe the connection was bad, or maybe she didn't hear me.

"Uhm, I'm going to go then. We still have classes tomorrow and you're probably busy."

Just then, she looked back at the camera and showed a smile.

"Sorry. I guess we'll just talk tomorrow then?"

"Sure. Stay safe, okay?"

I dropped the call after her little nod. It was only the first time that we'll be talking to each other through video call, but it already seems too quick.

I mean, I really can't blame her. She did come to Netherlands for business. So it's a given that she'll be very busy from now on.

It's okay though. All I can do is to be understanding, and maybe try to be more independent from now on.

I just dropped off the bus and went on my way to school. My usual routine with Kazuha now became my routine alone.

But now that I think about it, it isn't that bad. It's like I feel more free and available now, and like I said it's an opportunity to gain more friends and meet new people.

And speaking of people, I heard shushed murmurs and careful footsteps behind me. I turned around only to see a few students quietly walking to school, paying me no attention. So I went back to walk to school.

"Y/n do you have a pen?"

We were sitting down in class, taking a quiz when suddenly Chaewon talked to me.

"Can't you see that I'm holding one?" I sarcastically answered, raising my pen for her to see.

"An extra pen, Y/n. I'm not that dumb." she huffed.

"Why?" I asked.

"Mine ran out of ink, do I really need to explain? Just lend me one." she whined.

"You can ask the others." I muttered, putting my attention back on my paper.

"You're the only one I know here so just-- why are you being so childish?!" she complained while keeping her voice down.

"I'm not being childish. You're the one who keeps on being bitchy to me even though I did nothing wrong." I claimed.

"Just put your personal stuff aside and lend me a pen. I need one." she pleaded.

I sighed and took one from my pouch. I held it out to her, but before she can take it I jokingly took it back.

"What's the password?" I teased.

"Y/n!" she annoyingly shrieked, which gained our professor's attention.

"It's you two again. What are you doing making noises over there?" he seriously asked us.

"Sir, Y/n was teasing me." I widened my eyes when Chaewon snitched on me.

"No sir I did not. Chaewon was disturbing me from taking my quiz--"

"I was just trying to--"

"Quiet!" we were both cut off when our prof got mad at us.

"You two are distracting your other classmates. Go out." he pointed at the door.

"But sir--"

"No objections." he interrupted.

Chaewon gave me a glare before standing up and going out. I just exhaled deeply and went out to follow her.

"This is your fault." she grumbled as soon as we were both outside.

"It's not my fault that your pen ran out of ink." I retorted.

"If you just lended me a pen in the first place this wouldn't be happening." she said.

"I was just joking! And I didn't expect that you'd be screaming my name like that." I snarled.

"Because you were annoying!" she complained.

"All right! I'm sorry." I apologized, raising my hands to show that I give up.

"You better be. Because if I fail my grades with this--"

"Chill, Chaewon. You won't fail with a single quiz. You literally ace everything." I stated.

"Tsk." she rolled her eyes and turned away from me.

We were both sitting down beside the door. It was quiet in the hallway of course, aside from the professors from other rooms that were discussing.

"Do we have to wait here until class ends?" I asked her.

"Don't ask me. Don't talk to me I'm mad at you." she replied.

I turned my head to look at her. Her eyes were closed and her head was resting on the wall.

"Aside from the fact that I ruined your quiz, why are you so mad at me?" I questioned.

I just looked at her, waiting for any response or even just a single glance from her. But she didn't do anything, so I just sighed and looked at the other direction.

"Why did you like me in the first place? I did nothing good to you." she spoke.

I didn't expect her to have this kind of reply. Moreover, I didn't expect her to suddenly talk to me about that.

"I just do. Sometimes you like people without any specific reason." I shrugged.

"You can't do that." she mumbled.

"What?" I asked, looking back at her once again.

"You can't just like me without any reason." she finally opened her eyes.

"But I do." I admitted.

She looked at me, and even if she didn't say anything I swore I just felt something through her gaze. It was as if she was saying something.

"But you don't have to worry. I've moved on from my feelings for you." I told her and looked down.

Being alone with her and talking about things like this has always been my dream. But now that we're here, I don't know how I should feel.

I always told Kazuha that I already moved on from Chaewon. But now that it's only the two of us, with her eyes on me, did I really?

"I'm sorry." she murmured.

I barely heard it, but as soon as I did I immediately looked at her.

"What for?" I asked.

To be honest, I should be the one who's sorry.

"I just am." she replied.

I thought my eyes were kidding me for a second, but I wasn't mistaken when I saw it. It was only for a few seconds, but it was there.

She smiled at me. For the first time.

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