1: Bye Texas and Hello New York

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Thea was currently in the air in a metal container flying from Texas to New York City, also the city where the Meyers University was located in. There she was going to study business. She was going to stay with her mother's best friend Christina, who she had only spoken to once or twice, but she barely remembered those conversations since she was only a small child back then. She was feeling both anxious and full of regrets, but there was no going back. She didn't want to leave her sick mother at the hospital in Texas but she had to, and the only comfort she had was knowing that it only took about 3 and a half hours with an airplane to get back to Texas in case something would happen, but still, many things could happen during those hours.

"Would you like something to eat, Miss?" A flight-attendant asked Thea politely, but Thea shook her head. The nice lady moved on with the carriage, and Thea pulled out her own snacks from her old, small and dark red backpack. Thea herself didn't mind the airplane snacks and food, her body did. She was seriously allergic to a lot of stuff which decreased her food options, and she was too lazy to ask what was in the food that she was being offered. That led to her usually bringing her own food. Two more hours to go, Thea thought to herself and sighed out loudly. She pulled out her headphones and phone, she put her playlist on shuffle and closed her eyes. Music was a small escape from the world, not that her world was quite large to be completely honest. People called Thea antisocial, but Thea preferred the word introvert. She liked being alone, the only time she spent talking with people was with her mother in the hospital to talk about her day at school or she always had her nose in a book, but sometimes she was out in the small forest behind their small little red house; there in the forest she took pictures of, almost, everything, whilst singing to herself. But that was all going to change, she was going to start college, but mostly find him. Not long after Thea fell asleep with her music turned up loudly, she heard and saw nothing.

"Thea, sweetie? Time to wake up," a man's warm and friendly voice said, it had a fatherly and caring tone in it. Thea opened her eyes and instantly smiled. A man with brown hair, kind green eyes, and a few wrinkles, he kind of looked like her, smiled down at her. Behind him stood her mom.

"Five more minutes..." Thea mumbled and closed her eyes again.

"You're going to be late. Rise and shine, gorgeous," her mom told her and lightly shook her by the shoulder.

"Mom, dad, give me five. Just five, I stayed up 'til midnight to finish a PowerPoint about Abraham Lincoln."

"I know, I read it when you fell asleep. You'll pass without a doubt," he said, and Thea could sense him smiling even with her eyes closed.

"Don't you have to be at the lab?" she asked and finally opened her eyes. Her father worked as an archeologist, he spent nights and days just studying old antic things, he was a big fan of history too, who would've guessed?

"Not until a few hours. Now come on, get up."

Thea opened her eyes again and looked back at the screaming baby two rows behind her. She sighed quietly and tried to replay her dream over and over again. She had never met her father, she didn't even know what he looked like. Maybe he was Asian, African, or maybe European, Thea was absolutely clueless. Everyone she had asked, told Thea he was dead, but no one would properly explain how, where and when he died so Thea refused to believe that her father was dead. The only thing she had been told was that the last place he was seen before he 'died' was in New York City and that's exactly where she was headed.

Thea pulled out her phone to call her aunt who was taking care of Thea's mom while Thea was gone, to tell them both the she had safely landed in New York, the Big Apple. She also looked around for someone that could possibly be named Christina.

They Could Care LessOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant