Friend ~ Ch5

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Author-chan whispers : I'm back bitches!

¤ 3rd Point Of View ¤

"Lady (Y/n)!" The princess' bodyguard cried out in relief, his hair flying in the wind as he ran as fast as he could towards the girl who only smiled sheepishly. Toru had been searching for (Y/n) for at least an hour, searching around the castle first before cautiously expanding his search towards the outside.

It was foreign to Toru seeing her like this, seeing her with the wind brushing through her hair and surrounded by the nature she admired so much. Toru had never seen the princess outside of her castle, knowing that strict rules were placed to keep her from leaving- in case she were to strain herself, as her father liked to argue. Toru was almost happy that she had finally seen the outside world, but at this moment he was still recovering from the fear of finding her chambers empty.

"Hello, Toru." The girl mumbled sheepishly, a nervous smile on her face as she looked down at her shoes. As much as she wanted to look behind her- to check if her new friend Sukuna was still strolling down the road, she didn't. That was because for some reason, something told her that he was long gone. So instead she kept her head low, knowing that Toru's eyes were filled with fear, relief and frustration. This was her first rebellious act after all.

"What were you thinking coming out here?! You know that your father does not permit you to leave the castle!" Toru scolded, grabbing the girls cold hands into his own in hopes this would make her look at him. But instead, a sad smile spread across her lips as she looked at their conjoined hands and thought about her reply to his question. By now all the soldiers had managed to catch up with Toru and the princess after seeing their leader run, now surrounding the princess in a circle formation almost as if there were any threat to protect her from other than the biting wind.

"I think you know better than anyone why I left the castle, Toru." The princess told him, now looking up at him with the same saddening smile. She noticed the way his eyes glistened under the moonlight, tears being held back at such a simple sentence. Her words struck something within him, something deeo inside him. She was right- he knew the reason behind her leaving better than anyone.

(Y/n)'s condition was getting worse, that much was clear to every member of the castle. Everyday a new incident happens regarding her health- everyday, she had to take her herbal tea that eased her pain. And in all these years, she had never stepped a foot outside her castle. So now, with even herself anticipating her own death- she knew she had to go outside. Toru knew this too, as much as he hated to admit it to himself.

Toru's eyes softened, staring down at the girl with a look of pity- one in which she was very used to by now. The Gojo couldn't bare continue to scold her, not after she said that. So the man gently out a hand on her lower back and began ushering her into the carriage that had gracefully been sent over to assist with the princess' safe return.

The carriage was quite big and extremely beautiful. The princess couldn't help but admire the way of travel her parents used so often, seeing the appeal in watching everything move past her in a slow blur through the wooden shutters- though she couldn't help but feel bad for the horses that were forced to carry her. She was almost certain that she would be quickly brought back in the house, unable to say thank you to the kind creatures.

Toru sat infront of her in the carriage with a solem look, his hands joined together and fidgeting with each other as he thought about what to say during this ride home. He didn't want to scold anymore, not after saying words so sad yet true. This was probably one of the happiest days of her life- that was the saddest truth of them all.

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