An unexpected start

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To start, this is the first story I've written that I feel I'm going to get far in and possibly finish, but who knows let's just see how it goes, so bear with me ok and if I get anything like grammar or punctuation wrong feel free to let me know but be respectful like I said this is my very first story and fill free to toss in any suggestions I'll try to use them if I fell comfortable with them, so with that out of the way then let's begin, shall we?


Orion has traveled a vast majority of Romanian since he was 16 he is what you call a nomad, a person who travels and never stays in one spot for an extended period of time. 

One day he was traveling and had to stop to seek shelter from a bad snowstorm so he sought shelter in what looked like an abandoned small hamlet so he decided to bed down for the night. As he awoke from his sleep the following day he checked his inventory and noticed he was low on food, so he went out to hunt for food.

He was tracking a deer near another village and was following its tracks when he saw it in a clearing as he inched his way forward to a nice shooting spot. He grabbed his hunting rifle and took aim. The deer was startled somehow and took off. At this moment he noticed a small group of people rushing toward him as they started shouting and shooting at him.    

Orion didn't think he would start his day with a small raging group of local villagers hunting you through the forest. He hears shouting and cursing in Romanian as he thinks to himself 

 *what did I do to garner their wrath?*

He was just out hunting a deer minding his own business when all of a sudden a bullet whizzed by his head hitting the tree next to him and scaring his quarry and then the chase he found himself in right now begins.

Orion runs as fast as he can until he stops to catch his breath, huffing and puffing leaning against a tree when he hears a single female giggle which gets his attention as he looks for where it came from he hears the familiar voices of the villagers getting closer. 

Orion continues to run and as he hops over a downed tree he stops to check over his hunting rifle making sure it's loaded and ready to go, again he hears the same giggling but this time it sounds like it's right next to him.

Orion patiently waits for them like a Wolf waiting in an ambush to strike, but he can't help the feeling that he's being watched. 

He turns his head at the sound of a snapping twig he thinks to himself 

*Shit! It's one of the villagers* 

He finally makes contact with what he thinks is a villager trying to sneak up on him but it isn't.

It was a young woman, he says young but she looked his age from what he could tell, 

*so like 19-21* 

He thinks to himself. 

The young woman had red hair like blood, glowing golden eyes, she was wearing black pants with a nice black long sleeve shirt and what looked to be an old-style black cloak with the hood pulled up and she was wearing what looked like black combat boots and she had what looked like blood on her face.

In a way he wasn't afraid but rather curious, just then his attention is pulled away when he hears the villagers and sees them as they come through a small thicket, he levels and braces his hunting rifle against the downed tree he takes a deep breath in and then slowly exhale as he pulls the trigger.


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