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A/n, Sorry for the delay, school, and life got in the way but I'm slowly getting back to writing next chapter or two will move away from drama just for a little bit and be a bit romantic hehe but anyways Thank you all for reading and enjoying this story I'm writing. P.S. This is a little short chapter.  


*we're going to be in a safe space soon you and Sam are gonna be safe* Evi says.

Orion just feels the coldness like when he first met Evi until a sudden impact wakes him up as the rushing water moves past as they slam into the bank of the river he and Sam have been in for a while.

*We're here* Evi says as two voices can be heard.

"Acolo, uită-te la paznicul preotului și câinele, hai să-i ducem la șeful, el îi va petice." A male voice says in Romanian. (There, look, the priest's watcher, and the hound. Let's take them to the boss, he'll patch them up. Google translate so may not be right)

"Da" another male voice says and they both take turns dragging both Orion and Sam into a cart and go on their way.

Orion's eyes open and close as he is in and out of consciousness, " Hei, deschide poarta, avem ceva de văzut șeful" the first man who spoke says. (Hey open the gate we have something for the boss to see)

The gate opens up as one of the guards tells them to hurry up because they are locking down for the night. The men who found Orion and Sam rush straight to their boss's home. The door opens, "yes what is it?" Another man's voice says, "We found them by river dock," one of them says.

"Oh I see, Bring them in quickly," the man who opened the door says as two more men help the other two to bring Orion and Sam into the home of a stranger.

"Bring them to the infirmary," the men's boss says and they follow the order and hurriedly lay them down on some beds, "they'll be fine thank you, you two," the boss says, as the two men give a slight nod and leave, "Samantha?" the boss calls out, "Yes Moreau '' Samantha says as she turns a corner stunned at the sight of the watcher and the hound lying in bed unconscious.

"What happened?" Samantha asks as she begins to help Moreau check the two Unconscious men over, "two fishers found them washed up by the river dock and they brought them to me" Moreau says, "ok well then let's get to work, this is not how I imagined my night to go" Samantha says as she checks over Sam.

"Oh, how did you imagine spending your night?" Moreau asked with a smile.

"Oh, none of your business you," Samantha says playfully smacking his shoulder as she now checks over Orion, Moreau chuckles and begins to remove the wet clothes with Samantha's help and change them into new clothes.

"How long do you expect them to be out for?" Samantha asks.

"Maybe a day or two it's up to them to wake dear," Moreau says, "Let's let them rest dear" he adds as he puts his hand out for hers. Samantha smiles and takes his hand and they leave the room to let their two guests rest.

*HEY SLEEPY HEAD WAKE UP* Skoll says, tapping Ori's forehead.

*Skoll stop it* Evi says playfully, pushing his arm away.

Skoll chuckles and goes to lie down in his bed, *Ori wake up* Evi says gently, shaking him to wake up.

*alright, alright I'm awake* Ori says sitting up and sees Evi smiling at him.

*Hi munchkin* Ori says as Evi hugs him tightly.

*HEY KEEP IT DOWN* Skoll says grumpily.

*It's good to see you to* Ori says to Skoll, chuckling.

*HA, SAME HERE PISS ANT* Skoll says with a little snort.

*Be nice skolly* Eva says.

*Skolly?* Ori asks, raising an eyebrow.

*YES, BUT ONLY SHE GETS TO CALL ME THAT* Skoll says snarling.

*Alright* Ori says, putting his hands up in a defensive manner.

Evi giggles, *So Evi where are we at?* Ori asks her.

*Oh, we're at Uncle Moreau's he's nice and his assistant is nice too* Evi says and hugs him, he picks her up and hugs her back.

*I see you and Skoll have gotten to know one another* Ori says.

*Yeah, he's nice and you need to apologize to him for keeping him locked away, Skolly you too apologize to Ori* Evi says.


Orion is taken aback by this and he speakers, *Skoll, we know we were and still are bastards to each other but I accept your apology and I'm sorry for locking you away and sorry for calling you those names you hate and I hope we can find out who shot sam and almost killed me, him, and you, ok* Ori says genuinely as well.

Skoll nods and goes back to sleep as Evi guides Ori to his bed in the mindscape he lays and she hops in bed and cuddles him laying her tiny head on his chest, it's been a long time since he has felt this calm and soon Ori, Evi, and Skoll fall asleep.

The next morning Orion and Sam wake up, "ah you're both awake" Moreau says walking into the room.

"Oh, why does it feel like I got hit by the express train?" Sam says, "That's because we fell a long way down and into the water," Orion says still feeling pain.

"And without your two's alterations to your bodies you'd be dead," Moreau says.

"Your bedside manners suck doc" Sam groans and rolls over on his side in the bed.

Moreau chuckles and begins to look over them, noticing that they are pretty much healed and ready to leave.

"Well you two look good to go," Moreau says, as they both get up and stretch, "thank you, Moreau," Orion says.

"No thanks is needed my dear boy your family," he says, "now I suspect you two are going to go look for the one who shot Samuel there" Moreau adds.

They both nod, "that bastard put a hole through my wing so I'm looking for payback" Sam says.

"Now take heed, my boy, that was a nasty wound you had so take care of yourselves and do make your way back to the castle Daniela is out of control Alcina told me when she called me," Moreau says.

Orion nods "I will after we find who shot Sam," Orion says, "Fair enough," Moreau says and Orion and Sam begin to leave.

"They are with the fishmonger," a voice says, "so you let the specimen land into the hands of another lord, you know I thought you were the best at your job Ms. Wong, but I think I was mistaken, now get a sample or I will intervene and do it myself, and you don't want anything to happen to your friend now do you, understand," a male voice says from the other line of the phone. "understood, " Ada says and hangs up, "c'mon where are you bastards at," she says pondering the threat her boss made towards Laika.

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