Rude Awaking

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Orion woke up to the warmth of the sun beating on his light tan skin through the window, as he opened his eyes he felt something cold on his neck.

He slowly looked and saw that one of the other sisters, specifically Cassandra, was holding one of those elegant-looking sickles to his neck.

"What are you doing in my sister's room!?" she asked through gritted teeth.

Orion looked at her with worry in his eyes and just raised his hands up in the universal sign of I mean no harm, and sat up slowly when he noticed Bela standing by  Daniela's door giving him a slight glare.

"Okay I know how this looks," he said.

"Damn straight," Bela said in a sarcastic voice.

"I just slept on the couch nothing more because I was afraid something like this would happen,'' he says as he gestured to the situation unfolding in front of him.

"I highly doubt that," Cassandra said, rolling her eyes.

He sighed and was going to get up when he felt a sharp stinging pain erupt from his shoulder.

"AHHH!!!!" is the sound that escapes from his mouth as Cassandra's sickle sinks into his shoulder and forces him back down onto the couch.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!!!!? I didn't even do anything!!?" he shouts just as Daniela walks out of her bathroom in a towel.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING CASS!!!?" She screams at her sister.

"Protecting my little sister from this man-thing filth who just so happens to be in your room." she spits looking at Orion.

"He's fine, he just slept on the couch because he was afraid something like this would happen." she said the same thing he said as she gestured to the whole situation unfolding in her room.

"You know mother is going to be mad that you attacked our new warden." she said towards her sister.

"What him?" Cassandra says bewildered.

"Yeah." she replies just as she comes to notice he had a sickle in his shoulder.

"You stabbed him? Why?" she asked, almost yelling again as she rushes to Orion and pulls the sickle out as carefully as she can and pulls her towel off and places it on the wound.

"DANI!" both of her sisters yell at her while Orion immediately shuts his eyes and looks away from her naked body.

"I swear I didn't see anything I swear," he says.

"Oh shut up." Daniela says responding to his words in a playful tone with a bit of worry in her voice as well as she applies the towel and pressure to his wounds.

"Bela, can you take him to the infirmary pretty please?" she asks her older sister, giving her puppy dog eyes.

"Alright." she says as she pinches the bridge of her nose as she continues. "Put some clothes on, you're making our new employee nervous." she says smirking at her younger sister.

"What are you smir- ah!" she lets out a little yelp as she disappears into her swarm and goes to her loft.

As Bella picked him up and started to walk out of Daniela's room Cassandra opened her mouth to say something but Bela just gave her a look that said not now and with that Cassandra shut her mouth having an unknown feeling burn inside of her and her anger brewed slightly as well.

"Did you do anything to my baby sister?" she asked Orion, looking at him with a serious look on her face.

"No Lady Bela I swear, on my life I did not and will not do anything to harm Lady Daniela or Lady Cassandra. '' he answered her question.

"What happened here?" the familiar deep and beautiful voice of Lady Alcina asked with curiosity as she saw her eldest daughter with their warden having a bloodied towel wrapped around his shoulder.

"I'm fine my lady." he says.

"Like hell you are, Cassandra stabbed him thinking he did something to Dani which he didn't. He just slept on the couch in her room." she explains to her mother.

As she is finishing explaining another voice echoes in the halls from behind her mother as a maiden appears and walks up next to Alcina with a tray filled with two tea cups, a teapot, and snacks.

"What's going on my Lady?" she asks, looking at the sight before her.

"Nothing major my dear, Bela here was just taking the new Warden to the infirmary. It seems Cassandra got a hold of him when I explicitly told her he was off limits." she answers and continues. "He was found sleeping in Daniela's room." When those words left his lady's mouth he noticed that the young maiden was giving him a death glare that would put the fear into death. Alcina noticed his expression change and then noticed that her maiden was gripping the tray so tight that her knuckles had turned white she simply put her hand on her maiden's shoulder and her maiden relaxed.

"Bela dear, take him to the infirmary before he passes out." Alcina said noticing that Orion started looking a tiny bit pale.

"Right away mother." she replied and started their way to the infirmary.

Bela and Orion finally made their way to the infirmary where the doctor just gave both of them a glare and just began to patch Orion up.

"Tell your mother, my lady, that he will have to rest for a week and three days and then he can work, am I clear?" she said with almost a stern tone of voice towards Bela.

"Yes." Bela says as she gives the doctor a nod with a slight smile and the doctor returns with a slight smile of her own.

Orion tries to get up from the bed when he feels two hands on his shoulders and push him back down on the bed.

"Oh no mister you're not going anywhere you're going to stay in that bed for the rest of the day no if ands or buts I had a hard time patching your leg and gut up and now I had to deal with this- she said pinching the bridge of her nose- you are going to stay in that bed even if I have to ask Lady Bela here to help me strap you down to the bed." she said with crossed arms and glaring at him with furrowed brows.

All he could do was raise his good arm in defeat as the doc let a big smile come across her face.

"Tomorrow you can rest in your room Mr. Groza." she says and Orion just gives a nod.

Orion laid down defeated and settled in for a long day before he took a nap and asked Lady Bela something.

"My lady, if you are able to, the rest of my belongings are in an abandoned house near the edge of your lands. If you can't retrieve them then I will when I'm better of course." he told her. She nods and leaves, giving the doctor a smile as she leaves the infirmary.

"I guess I'm not the only one who's had their eyes and heart stolen. '' he said with a whispered chuckle escaping his lips hoping the doctor didn't hear him but she did, but decided to not say anything to him. The doctor looked back to see that sleep had finally taken Orion. "You're not wrong Mr. Groza, you're not the only one who's eyes and heart have been stolen." the doctor said letting a soft chuckle escape her lips.          

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