A New Charge

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He looked at the lady of the house with pure and utter fear on his face and in his body.

"Calm yourself, my dear boy. I know she's under there," Alcina said, giving a knowing smirk towards him.

"Uhm my Lady may I ask why is Lady Daniela in my bed?" he asked.

"Well, she seems to have taken a liking to you. She told me so and she was scared that Cassandra might try something again," she explained to him.

"Okay," he said nervously.

"What time is it if I may ask my Lady and how did I get here in my room?" he asked.

"That was Bela and Ms. Hunter who brought you here after you didn't wake up from your nap. We thought we lost you, especially my sweet moth Daniela, I had never seen her like that before especially with a stranger like you Mr. Groza, she was the one who took care of you, cleaned you, and even changed you. She wouldn't let any of the maids near you, oh and it's 9 am both of you slept through breakfast." she said. His cheeks turn a light red at the thought of Lady Daniela taking care of him.

"I see she isn't the only one who's taking a liking to," she said, giving a playful grin to him as she walked towards him and sat down at the desk that's near his bed.

"Mr. Groza I need you to tell me nothing but the truth is that understood," she says with a slight sternness to it but also a calm, cold, and caring tone. He nods in response, she shakes her head with that disappointed mother's look.

"Words dear, use your words." she said.

"Okay my Lady," he replied.

"Now, do you have any ill intentions towards my daughters?" she asked with that cold voice of hers.

"No my lady, I have no intention of causing you or your daughters any harm. '' he answered nervously, as Alcina listened to his heartbeat even though there was a nervousness to it she knew he was telling the truth.

"Okay next do you have... feelings for my Daniela?" she asked, this time with a motherly tone a tone of worry and concern for her family, especially for her daughter who is lying on their warden's chest at this very moment.

"I'm not really sure my Lady," he said. Alcina looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Now I said to be truthful Orion." she said with that cold voice again.

"I-I... I do m'lady." he says quietly so Daniela won't hear him even though her mother and Orion have been talking already for like a few minutes.

Alcina gets up, clasps her hands together and gives a smile and walks to leave the room but stops and turns her head to the poor boy pinned to his bed, "If you harm her or the other two." she said "I know my lady, that I;m dead if that happens." he said.

She gives a nod, "You may begin your work today." she said and proceeded to walk out of the room.

Now to get up without waking Daniela up he thinks to himself. He starts to scoot himself out of bed when he feels himself being pulled back into the bed.

"Ugh, m'lady I have to get up, I have to work," he said trying to squirm out of her arms, "Nooo,stay you comfy," she whined still asleep and began to nuzzle closer to him, "My lady I've been here, in your home for a week already and haven't done my job I really must get up." he says just as he hears the sound of light purring come from Daniela it was cute to be honest he thought.

Orion once again, this time he finally and carefully slid himself from her grasp he saw her face contort into a pout until she grabbed his pillow and her face relaxed. As he was standing up he looked around the room it's a big room it had a Victorian looking king size bed, a desk in front of the windows, a wall on the other side of the room that's covered by filled bookshelves and a lounge chair off to one side of the room in front of a fireplace.

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