Unexpected start Part 2

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So yeah the first one was short, I was dipping my toe in the water to see how things are, like I said this is my very first story ever of all time but don't worry most chapters won't be like that one if I can help it, but I hope you all enjoyed this start, so let's begin. 

P.S. if I kept the first part and this one all together it would have been 1K words so let me know if anyone wants long or short-medium chapters ok and thanks for reading this story of mine.


Is the sound that erupts and echoes in this mountain valley as he hears a scream of pain come from one of the villagers as he sees him fall holding his leg writhing around in pain. 

Orion pulls the bolt on his rifle back as the empty casing is flung from the receiver and he pushes it back in place loading the next round. Then he fires again, hitting another and then another, wounding two more of the villagers, seeing that he had hit their legs.

He then sees one of the last two of the villagers that were chasing him pull up a shotgun and aim it at him, and then he hears...


As part of the tree that he is hiding behind, explodes into pieces sending some of them up into his face as he falls back he feels a warm sensation start to trickle down his face from what feels like his forehead down to his chin. Orion winces in pain as then he notices a good chunk of the tree was missing and he knew damn well that those were slugs.

He looks up and sees that the two remaining villagers are now running at him and firing as well. Orion gets up and starts running just as another slug hits the tree sending more bits of tree up in the air. He runs as fast as his feet carry him just then he sees a clearing and as he reaches the clearing he sees a magnificent castle.

He then feels a sharp pain in his leg as he stumbles forward and catches himself before he falls. He feels another sharp pain in his gut. This finally sends Orion tumbling into the muddy ground and as he crawls a bit before flipping on his back to see where the bastard who shot him was at.

Orion sees the prick he's loading his shotgun when the villager notices Orion looking at him he stops loading the gun, as Orion notices him he begins to crawl but within a few seconds he feels two hands grab the back of his jacket and flip him on his back and try to place their shotgun on his neck. Before it lands on him, his hands go up as instinct takes over and he grabs the gun and begins to struggle for a bit and, as he feels his arms giving out on him.

He hears the villager speak "lucrezi pentru târfa vampir, nu-i așa!" ( "You work for the vampire bitch don't you") (hope it's right I used google translate.)

Orion understands him and shouts through gritted teeth "Nu știu ce vrei sa spui!" ( "I don't know what you mean.")

Orion then hears a buzzing noise and in a blink of an eye, the villager is off of him and thrown ten feet to his right. There he saw that same young woman from early standing above the villager who shot you, with that scary but elegant-looking sickle. He then sees her raise the blade suddenly and in a quick flash, she plunges the blade down into the person's chest. She looks so fixated on killing the poor bastard that she is hacking and slashing his chest open. 

He then notices the last villager who was chasing him, he must have fallen behind somehow he raises his weapon and carefully aims it at the young woman.

 "LOOK OUT!" Orion screams trying to get the girl's attention.

Without hesitating he picks up his rifle and pulls the trigger.


The sound of rifle echoes and as the muzzle flash clears you see the villager on the ground holding his neck writhing on the ground slowly choking to death on his own blood. He drops your rifle out of exhaustion and blood loss as his eyes slowly flicker as he starts to fade into darkness.

He catches a glimpse of the girl finishing the villager he shot in the neck by sending her blade into his chest. The young woman stood above Orion looking at him with a mix of a slight worry and curiosity on her face and just as darkness takes him, he can't help but to blurt out in his delirious and weakened sounding state as his eyes slowly close as darkness takes him finally.

"You're beautiful."  

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